"It's frightening, because you think this is something that only happens somewhere like Africa," said Hill, a single mother who is studying homeland security at a local college. "But now I know what they're going through — when I get somewhere there's a water faucet, I drink until my stomach hurts."[my underlines]Since when is "Homeland security" a major or course of study in college?
[edit]Apparently recently[edit]. Two side notes: In Africa, much of the continent does not have piped water. In "lucky" villages there is a single well from which people, usually women, get water from. In not so lucky villages people, usually women, travel a decent distance to get water from a fresh water source, put it in a container and then walk back with that water (usually on their heads). Like I said before, the water might be free but the pipes cost money.
Secondly, that accompanying photo? You see the spikes in usage? I don't know her entire situation but either there are a lot of leaks in her residence or people in that home like to leave water running. Why didn't the reporter ask Nicole about the usage patterns?