Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, April 27, 2020

DNC Goes Into Cracker Mode

The term "cracker" is generally used in the black community as a reference to white people in general. Historically the term is alleged to have arisen from the improper pronunciation of the name Caulker and/or a reference to those overseers who "cracked the whip" to keep enslaved Africans in line. In this blog post I'll be using the term in the last form.

Last week Vernon Jones, a representative out of Georgia endorsed Donald Trump's bid for re-election. It is a pretty historical thing to occur. First, generally speaking it is pretty much unheard of for a black Democrat to endorse any Republican for national office. Secondly; given the widespread hate of Trump among Democrats, this public endorsement (believe me, there are a lot of non-public support for Trump among African-Americans, particularly AA men) also stood out as a particularly bold, if not career terminating, move.

Vernon explained that his support was due to the material benefits that Trump brought to his community. Record employment levels, support for HBCUs, were two items he pointed to. It is the job of a representative to not only be the voice of his constituents, but also to make sure that his constituents are looked after (aka: get benefits). Clearly Vernon was in between a rock and hard place. If he simply represented his constituents, he could not deliver benefits. Conversely he could deliver benefits but not represent the voices of his community. Bad spot.

Personally I have had the political opinion that Black people in America should not wed themselves to any political party at all. That they should support any candidate of any party who advances their [valid] political interests. I inserted valid, because there are of course invalid political interests. In this way black people would force all political parties to not only court their votes but also to deliver the goods when in office. Of course, the actual practice here is that Black people are "on the Democratic plantation" and have no desire to leave, even when the policies on that plantation are not doing them any good.

Since the Democrats need to keep a coalition of non-whites, non-straights and non-Christians together in order to keep and expand power, black people who do not stay in line, get cracked on. Vernon therefore got cracked on. I thought it wrong for him to have resigned but then he turned around and stayed in office. That is better, let his opponent (who will be wellllllllll funded) explain why high employment numbers (pre-Wuhan) is a bad thing for Black people. Let them explain how open borders and increased labor competition helps Black people.

In the end it's likely Vernon will be voted out of office. Similar to what happened with Cynthia McKinney who also refused to toe the DNC line.

The DNC crackering continued when they planned to censure Detroit State Rep. Karen Whitsett who had contracted the Wuhan virus and was having a tough time. She remembered that Hydroxychlorquine was mentioned by Trump and requested the treatment. It apparently worked and she recovered. Whitsett publicly thanked Trump for having mentioned the treatment.

State Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit, broke protocol by meeting with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence during an April 14 meeting of COVID-19 survivors, during which she credited hydroxychloroquine for saving her life, a Democratic district leader said.

“Thank you for everything that you have done,” Whitsett told Trump at the meeting. “I did not know that saying thank you had a political line. … I’m telling my story and my truth, and this how I feel and these are my words.”

And this gem:
“At the end of the day, we have political systems,” said Jonathan Kinloch, chairman of the organization. “We have political parties, and political parties exist for a reason. “They do not belong to themselves,” Kinloch said of endorsed candidates and elected officials. “They belong to the members and precinct delegates of the Democratic Party.”
Yo have to a special kind of low down [multiple cuss words] to talk about your political party in reference to someone who survived a likely brush with death. But that's what the DNC has become over the years.

Like Vernon, Whitsett has vowed to keep acting in the best interests of her constituents:

Whitsett, meanwhile, said she plans to continue working for the district, adding she has been delivering food and cleaning products to those in need throughout the pandemic.

"I will continue to fight for the city of Detroit and the people in Detroit who need it the most, and that is the black community," Whitsett said. "We’re the voiceless, and I don’t care who I got to go up against to do that.

"I’m a Democrat, and I plan on continuing to be a Democrat, but they will change their ways. I have my First Amendment right, and no one will take that away from me.”

While I'm not going to bash on her or others for continuing to be Democrats, sooner or later large swaths of the AA community are going to realize that the Democratic party is not what they think it is or what it once was. When a party is censuring people for saying thank you to someone who gave them life saving advice, that party is broken.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Clarence Thomas' Revenge

Back on October 11, 1991, Joe Biden unleashed Anita Hill on Clarence Thomas during his supreme court hearings. The charge was that Thomas had sexually harassed Hill by way of making lewd remarks in reference to porn, commenting on her body and repeatedly asking her out. Though no formal complaints were ever filed even though they had occurred ten years prior.

The FBI was tasked with investigating the matter and came up with no substantive evidence against Thomas.

Thomas warned that such political lynchings would become a regular feature in politics. And he was to be proven correct. He went on to become a supreme court judge and the butt of jokes among the African-American community.

Later this same smear tactic was directed at now justice Kavanaugh . In that hearing we saw numerous Democratic government officials whom we are to believe took an oath to uphold the constitution, in which is found the principle of innocent until proven guilty [ beyond reasonable doubt in the case of criminal behaviour]. These various senators acted as if the reverse was true and that if at any time a woman claimed to have been assaulted, she is to be automatically believed and the burden of proof would be on the accused.

I was extremely troubled at seeing actual government officials taking such a line. It's one thing when Joe on the street wants to believe Sheila's claims. It's an entirely different matter when government officials with the ability to create law start doing the same.

Now there is strong evidence that Joe Biden himself has committed sexual assault. Not only is there an accusation, there is corroborating evidence.

CNN, which has already drawn fire for its reluctance to cover a claim of sexual assault against Joe Biden, failed to uncover its own archive footage in which his accuser's mother called into Larry King's old show in what some critics are calling "journalistic misconduct".

The Intercept reported earlier that Tara Reade said her late mother once called into CNN’s “Larry King Live” to discuss her daughter’s “experience on Capitol Hill,” where the alleged encounter with Biden took place. Reade didn’t recall other information, such as the date or even year and The Intercept managed to dig up a transcript of the call, but not the video...

The resurfaced CNN clip from 1993 appeared to show Reade’s mother alluding to “problems” her daughter faced while working as a staffer for the then-Delaware senator. Reade later told Fox News it was indeed the voice of her mother on the clip. Biden's presidential campaign has adamantly denied Reade's allegations but the video could be cited as evidence supporting Reade’s allegation – even though her late mother, in the clip, does not specifically refer to a sexual assault claim.

I will say at the outset that given that the mother is deceased, it would be hard[er] to verify this claim via adversarial interviewing. That said, it is far stronger evidence than anything sent Kavanaugh's way.

So now these claims are about a month old. Any person who not a total hypocrite has to be asking the question: Since we got wall to wall coverage of Kavanaugh and Thomas, why haven't we had it for this? You cannot come away without coming to the honest conclusion that the left wing media is protecting Joe Biden.

I don't understand how Democrats allowed themselves to put Joe Biden up as their candidate in the first place. It is clear that he has early stage dementia. Amy Klobuchar was [and still is] a far better opponent to Donald Trump. At this point a vote for Joe Biden is NOT a vote for Joe Biden but a vote for whomever he picks as VP. But I digress.

If Joe Biden were to be held to the same [wrong] standard that Senators used during the Kavanaugh hearings, he would no longer be on the DNC ticket AND Democrats across the country would be demanding he step aside. Democrats need to remember that most Americans are not tied to a party. In the general election, this issue can and will alienate a lot of moderate voters. The only question is whether the issue is stronger than whatever situation the US is in under Trump on or around election day.

But wouldn't it be ironic that Biden is taken down by the same tactic he wielded against Thomas?

Wouldn't it be ironic...

Friday, April 24, 2020

"Bringing Light Inside the Body"

Trump yesterday:
Trump, who has used his daily White House briefings to float unproven treatment options in the past, at one point suggested the government should study bringing "light inside the body" as a possible treatment, which he asserted might be done "either through the skin or in some other way." The president also appeared to question whether disinfectant could be used to treat coronavirus patients.

AP Today:

Led by Mark Pimentel, MD, the research team of the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) Program at Cedars-Sinai has been developing the patent-pending Healight platform since 2016 and has produced a growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating pre-clinical safety and effectiveness of the technology as an antiviral and antibacterial treatment. The Healight technology employs proprietary methods of administering intermittent ultraviolet (UV) A light via a novel endotracheal medical device. Pre-clinical findings indicate the technology’s significant impact on eradicating a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus...

“Our team has shown that administering a specific spectrum of UV-A light can eradicate viruses in infected human cells (including coronavirus) and bacteria in the area while preserving healthy cells,” stated Dr. Pimentel of Cedars-Sinai. Ali Rezaie, MD, one of the inventors of this technology states, “Our lab at Cedars-Sinai has extensively studied the effects of this unique technology on bacteria and viruses. Based on our findings we believe this therapeutic approach has the potential to significantly impact the high morbidity and mortality of coronavirus-infected patients and patients infected with other respiratory pathogens. We are looking forward to partnering with Aytu BioScience to move this technology forward for the benefit of patients all over the world.”


In case the AP disappears the text:

Also, original press release

More Data on Comorbidities

Took a break from all the updates but wanted to underscore the comorbidities. A recent report in JAMA shows the following chart of general characteristics of patients:

Please note that the number in parenthesis is a percent of total. Not that "general" obesity leads morbid obesity as a general characteristic of patience. Are the morbidly obese dying at home and therefore not able to *be* patients?

Diabetes comes in high and is closely related to obesity.

You'll notice the never smoked as a very high percent. I believe this is why there were reports of smoking being a "benefit". I disagree. I think that the fact that non-smokers are currently the majority of the population accounts for the high representation.

On the cardiovascular point we have:

So it looks like if you had heart failure not due to high blood pressure or diabetes then your risk is not as high as simply being obese. It's still relatively high compared to healthy population. Hypertension is unsurprising given that obesity puts a lot of strain on the CV system. If you've ever seen an obese person get winded by simply walking, you know what I'm talking about. If your HBP is due to diet, you'll probably want to rethink it. If your HBP is due to [avoidable] life stresses. Perhaps it's time to evaluate staying in those environments. I don't think depending on drugs, long term, is good for anyone.

Oh and don't go drinking "disinfectants". Leave the chemotherapy (which is, at it's core, a "disinfectant" against cancer which takes out a LOT of healthy cells along the way, to the cancer patients.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Wuhan Virus As Opportunistic Infection?

There is a PDF out from NYC in regards to Wuhan virus deaths. Note the following:

By this data, if you don't have an underlying condition the chances of dying from Wuhan are extremely thin. As in .5% nd that's if you assume the total cases represents the total number of infected. And it's not.

One has to wonder then whether this virus is an opportunistic infection that is "normally" not able to make someone sick but is able to when conditions allow.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Few Words For The Fat Acceptance Crowd

All you folks who lied to women, in particular about how they're not fat but "thick". All you companies that put up obese women as aspirational figures so you could make a buck off them. All you folks who made black women believe it was a choice between "thin" and "obese". All you folks who promoted unhealthy eating habits. All you folks who provided excuses like "genetics" and "gut bacteria" and the like to people who needed to be told to get up, put on some sneakers and take a walk. Yeah all y'all:

How does it feel to know that you enabled and encouraged behavior that has probably caused a number of deaths?

Monday, April 13, 2020

"Wuhan Pack" Being used in Brazil

Translated from the Portuguese.
Health care provider Prevent Senior conducts research into the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of coronavirus for patients in the early stages of the disease. The study has been a topic of discussion, since the indication of the Ministry of Health is for the use of the drug in patients in serious condition. The survey has not yet been published. But the company says that so far, 500 patients have received treatment at an early stage of the disease. Of these, 300 were hospitalized and have already been discharged.
Recall that I have been very concerned about the fact that recoveries seem to be lagging quite significantly in the case reports. It has been long enough where we should be seeing a large number of recoveries. Notice that in this study 3/5 of the patients have been discharged (which I assume to mean recovered). Meanwhile worldwide numbers keep showing less than 2/5 recovered.
Can you explain the study you are doing with chloroquine in the treatment of covid-19?

Today a Fiocruz study came out that we think is fantastic and corroborates the results we are finding here. They made an assessment of the use of chloroquine in critically ill patients and found that the efficiency in these cases is low. I already knew that. The Fiocruz study identifies the observation we made two weeks ago, that the introduction for critically ill patients has very little effect. We then created a scientific study methodology for patients before reaching a serious condition. In this treatment, we use hydroxychloroquine, which is less toxic. It is important to note that this medication is not new, it is used to treat lupus, arthritis.

Again. In my proposal I said that The Wuhan Pack should be at the reader for early intervention. This backs this idea up.
The goal of early medication is to prevent viral replication and not let the body enter an acute inflammatory process. We have robust evidence that early introduction is extremely effective in treating patients with covid-19, the results of scientific work will be able to confirm this and give encouragement to everyone who will need treatment due to the infection.
Again, this supports my proposal that "Wuhan Packs" be at the ready along with testing so that as soon as someone is found to be infected they can get on the regimen.
When the patient accepts this treatment, what is the procedure? We delivered the medication to his house, since it is not found on the network.
Wuhan Packs at the ready.
Do you believe that with the use of early hydroxychloroquine it is possible to give up social isolation? No way. Quarantine is essential for structuring the whole of society and protecting fragile patients. As long as there is no scientific answer, there is a need to protect the population. With scientific evidence, all governments will then be able to take the most appropriate measures to respond to their economies.
I disagree with the doctor but he's entitled to his opinion, particularly since the research isn't complete and he's under different moral and ethical constraints.

Let's get this going. Get the Wuhan Packs ready. Lets get Apple to donate a shitload of Apple Watches to people who may have heart issues and lets get America and the world back to "normal".

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

The Logic Behind Not Using Hydroxychloroquine

"Doctor": I would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine to any of my patients suffering from symptoms of COVID-19.

Me: Why not?

"Doctor": Because hydroxychloroquine has side effects that could kill you.

Me: I see. Do you prescribe hydroxychloroquine to your Lupus patients.

"Doctor": Why yes.

Me: Why?

"Doctor": Because it helps them.

Me: What about the side effects you spoke of earlier?

'Doctor":*blank stare*

Dying; To Spite Trump?

So lemmie get this straight. Instead of doing journalism and looking into many reports of the efficacy of Plaquenil along with Zinc and an anti-viral (The Wuhan Pack), the media is spending it's time informing us about how much Trump may profit from the company that sells a version of the drug.

As if this is important.

So if I'm understanding this new epic level of conspiracy theory, Trump is promoting medicine that apparently works in the vast majority of cases so he can make a buck. Also, since there are side effects with long term use, he's trying to kill people by promoting the use of the drug. Also. He allowed the disease to spread so that he could make a buck off of the drugs.

This is what they're going with eh? Lemmie as you a question: You find out you have Wuhan virus. If you get sent to the ICU there's a large chance you're not going home alive. Doctor says: We have a drug regimen that works at least 80% of the time BUT Trump gets a few cents in stock appreciation if you use it. Do you say "No thanks" 'cause Trump owns what apparently amounts to $400 in stocks?

Monday, April 06, 2020

It's [Past] Time To Turn Off CNN

Folks. CNN will literally get you killed.

This is literally fake news. This headline isn't misleading. It is dead wrong. There is no excuse for this.

Right now there are doctors across the US and around the Globe using hydroxychloroquine along with other drugs (The Wuhan Packet) to treat patients. Is it 100% effective? No. It's so far between 70 and 90 percent effective. Do some people have side effects? Yes. No one who is rational and sane is disputing that. Are there consequences for long term use? Yes. That's why the treatment is NOT given long term.

Lastly, the drugs being tried are already FDA approved and doctors regularly prescribe medicines for off label use.

CNN has been off the rails for years now. I don't watch it. I have strongly encouraged people to turn it off due to it's disinformation but now CNN is literally trying to get people killed during a pandemic. If you don't realize what CNN is from this, I don't know what to tell you. [updated]

Graph from Science Direct

The green line represents 2 or 3 ingredients of my proposed "Wuhan Pack".

? CNN says "researchers say there is no evidence".

CNN is literally a propaganda outlet that will get you killed.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

More Evidence For The Wuhan Packet Exit Strategy

From the NY Post
His patients were under long-term acute care and had comorbidities such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive heart failure.

The FDA has warnings that azithromycin “can cause abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart that may lead to a potentially fatal irregular heart rhythm.”

So instead, Alam replaced azithromycin with another decades-old antibiotic that doesn’t pose any known risks to the heart.

“Doxycycline is an anti-inflammatory with properties similar to azithromycin but without the safety concerns and without cardiac toxicity,” he said...

“The majority had clinical improvement,” said Alam. “We had very good outcomes.” Alam said that 38 of 47 patients treated returned to their baseline and their symptoms resolved. Seven of the patients were transferred to a hospital and two died. [ my underlines]

That's an 80% recovery rate. With people with SERIOUS MEDICAL PROBLEMS!!!! Remember that my Wuhan Packet(tm) exit strategy had a conservative lower bound of 70% effectiveness. This is 30% better than my worst case and real control trials have not been done.

Lets stop chasing hands and focusing on where the ball was and look to where the ball is going!

Wuhan Packet now!

The Exit Strategy

If I were running things this is what would happen from now on.

Many years ago I was at a beach town with a young lady and her 2-3 y.o son. He had gone into the water with his pull up on and of course it absorbed a whole lot of water. We got back to the boardwalk where I suggested changing him so he didn't have to sit in that for the rest of the outing. She didn't want to do it because she thought that there were pedophiles in the hotels along with boardwalk who were either taking pictures of him or, presumably, "getting their jollies" on. The first time she said it, I thought she was joking. But no she was dead serious. This is the kind of mentality that is informing the large numbers of people suggesting extremely lengthy lock downs and whatnot. They have no sense of proportion and are shook to even consider making a decision that might result in someone dying (unless that person is dead from an illegal alien). It's time to be rational about this situation and get to the exits.

While it could be reasonable to say that the lock downs were a reasonable response to an unknown agent that we had no idea the lethality of (thanks China) and no idea what kinds of treatments would work, at this point in time (April 4) such thinking is untenable and not informed by the facts on the ground.

In the worst case scenario (which won't happen) if the unemployment numbers increase at the rate that it is, every adult American will be unemployed by late June. And there are people actually calling for shut downs through July! I say this won't happen because even the moderately insane in positions of govt authority knows not to go down that path. Also, I believe there would be mass rebellions by the public before it gets that bad. So lets get to the facts as we know them.

I'm going to do a lot of rounding here to make the math easier to digest so don't come at me with some "well the rate is actually xxx%".

So we know that about 90% of people who catch the Wuhan virus have mild symptoms. That is no pneumonia. No fluid in lungs. Perhaps a fever but nothing that requires hospitalization. This is not to say they won't have a few bad days.

We also know that among the people who get severe symptoms, regardless of age, they usually have serious medical problems that preceded their infection. That is they were already gifted a lifeline by modern medical science and the new infection is essentially the end of the [new] line for them. But even this can be changed because we now know that there is a regimen that shows great promise as in upwards of 90%$ of those treated do not end up in ICUs and are able to be taken of ventilators or no need to be on one if caught early enough. This is the key to unlock the exit door.

I operate under the assumption that all 330 million people in America will be infected. 90% of those people are not going to have severe symptoms. That's 297 million we essentially don't have to worry about. Of the 33 million that are expected to have severe cases, we need to have enough of what I'll call The Wuhan Packs to catch them early.

The governments at whatever level should create enough of the 5 day Wuhan Packs (because the treatment is allegedly 5 days of the three medicines) for at least 33 million people. Assuming a once a day dose of each that's 165 million of each treatments. These should be staged at hospitals and pharmacies. If the Abbot quick test machines pan out, they should be distributed to hospitals and pharmacies where people who think they may have the Wuhan virus can get quick tests and immediately get the Wuhan Pack for self treatment. But availability of those machines are not to impact the exit strategy timeline.

This treatment apparently reduces the percentage of people needing critical care by another 90%. Lets be conservative and say 70%. So that would be around 10 million at the high end and 3 million at the low end that would be not saved by the treatment. That's 66k per US State and 181 people a day. though clearly some states would have larger numbers than others. I know there are people out there who cannot stomach 3 million to 10 million dead. But that's how pandemics work. It's why they are called pandemics. And if you're mad about that, take it up with the people who called closing the borders racist. Take it up with the Chinese government and WHO who lied about it. Thus we should be moving away from a "don't let it spread" strategy to a "It will spread, let's get it done" strategy. All this focus on ventilators and protective gear is what in Wing Chun we call "chasing hands". Ventilators are not the solution. They are increasingly "end of life 'care'". Let me repeat here, masks and ventilators are not solutions to THE problem. Harping on them is not an effective long term strategy. As of this writing some of the countries with the highest levels of mask wearing in public are seeing an escalation in infections. My guess is because if the Wuhan virus is that resilient, it's just a waiting game.

This "lets get it done" strategy gets us to population immunity *assuming* we're not dealing with something like influenza where each year brings a new strain that can knock people down again. But we have a plan on that as well. This is opposed to the moderate probability that returns to normal without a Wuhan Pack strategy will simply lead to another huge wave as the still uninfected and therefore not immune come back into contact with the environment.

While implementing The Wuhan Packs, research into a vaccine should be given high priority. Personally I don't consider anything you need to get a shot for every year a vaccine. Vaccine to me implies a one and done for years thing. Unless the developed vaccine is a one and done thing, I would not make it mandatory for anyone. That's what The Wuhan Pack is for. Americans have a right to decide what risks they are willing to take. And if you are the type that wants the government to impose what it thinks is "safety" there are flights leaving multiple airports to places that do that. Find yourself on one of those flights.

Mind you I'm assuming a complete and total infection of the US population. Any reduction in the numbers or percent infected greatly reduces the downstream numbers. Similarly if The Wuhan Packs are more than 90% effective, then the downstream death numbers fall dramatically. This is not 1918. We are not living with 1918 sanitation. We are not living with 1918 medical technology. using 1918 models is extremely faulty and is being used by certain people to scare you into compliance. Think of the number of people who are now scared to death by someone breathing near them. So lets get these Wuhan Packs prepped and delivered, which I think can be done in 2 weeks if the proper resources are mobilized. Open up anyplace that is both sparsely populated and/or has low levels of public transit use which I believe is a large contributor to the spread in NYC.

Friday, April 03, 2020

RIP Bill Withers

Just yesterday I had Bill on my mind. This is one track that has gotten me through a lot of tough times and feelings of loneliness:

Thanks Bill.

States Are Confiscating Private Property And Nobody Is Bothered

[Updated 4-3-2020 10:PM] In this past week two incidents of blatant unconstitutional actions have occurred with nary a peep from the usual "civil liberties" crowd. In NY a person saw the pending pandemic and purchased a large quantity of medical items to resell. He was charging upwards of 700x markups on the products and eventually the state of NY came in and confiscated his goods and gave them to medical facilities.

[updated] I have discovered that the individual is being paid fair market price for the goods being confiscated.

Feldheim was released March 30 on $50,000 bond. Feldheim will be paid fair-market value for the supplies, according to the Department of Justice.
I'm pretty sure a lawyer got involved. [end update] While it may be entirely unethical and illegal to price gouge during an emergency the idea that the state could enter this person's private property, grab up his legally obtained goods without any compensation whatsoever under the guise of an "emergency" is not acceptable to me. Our rights and the state's limits do not simply, respectively, disappear and expand unchecked due to an emergency.

If Amazon can sell medical supplies then so can Joe citizen, if he has any. If 3M can sell medical supplies then so can Joe Citizen. Just because Joe Citizen doesn't have a staff of lawyers on hand and the pockets to pay them for extended litigation, does not give Amazon or 3M any more rights than Joe Citizen.

I have heard exactly zero reports of the state offering the NY guy fair, non-emergency, compensation for the goods he legally acquired. Even if the state wanted to charge him with price gouging it still cannot simply take his shit. Why? Because it was legally obtained and he is the rightful owner of all of it. The state can only dictate an upper ceiling for the sale of his property. Do not let the moral arguments against his behavior (which I would agree with) blind you to this blatant abuse of state power.

Across the Hudson, NJ gov Murphy signed an executive order empowering the state police to confiscate the property of private citizens if that property is deemed "essential" to the state. Again, there was absolutely no effort or discussion on compensation. How is that even legal? Under stand US Constitutional grounds does the state have to confiscate the private property of citizens?

At fucking gun point?

Personally if I was approached by the state for my medical goods, I'm inclined to donate. That's the kind of person I am. But I cannot and would not force any other citizen to do the same. Lets say that a citizen is in possession of 5 months worth of medical masks and possesses a ventilator. And argument could be made that this citizen foresaw getting sick and acquired property that could keep him from getting sick and if he got sick, could keep him alive. Now the state of NJ has empowered the state to override this citizen's right to look out for his own well being and force him to use his property to the benefit of other people rather than himself. And if that citizen resists the state's attempt to confiscate his life supporting property, the state may in fact kill him for it.

That should bother a lot of people.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Michigan Data Supports Ghost Hypothesis

Earlier I hypothesized that blacks in NYC (and any other urban area) would be hard hit with the Wuhan virus:
It stands to reason that the high rates of CVD and Diabetes in the black community of NYC will play into higher death rates among Black people who get infected.
I had noticed a similar pattern in Michigan with the highest numbers of cases in Detroit with cases dropping the further away from Detroit you got. To me, that was clear evidence of a racial pattern in caseload. But you know, can't say bad things about black people, even if it saves their lives. So now data is out from Michigan

Blacks make up 14% of the population in Michigan. So when you see 30% and 40% infections and deaths, you know there is a racial component at play. I suspect we will see similar things in New Orleans and Atlanta in short order. I will say that this rather large "unknown" category is really strange.

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

The Park Is Closed

Some of you read my other blog and know I've been training for a half-marathon since Sept. When my state did the "stay at home" thing I had (and still have) no intention of not going for my regular runs. The one thing that changed was that a lot more people were out running, jogging and walking. Many I presume were people who usually do treadmills and now couldn't. The parks have been packed though.

Now on the face of it that could be seen as a bad thing if you are the paranoid, believe what the media is telling you, type of person. But generally, people were around people they clearly knew or lived with and generally stayed out of each others way. However; now that America has devolved into a country where half the people are either communists, communist sympathizers, or just the panicky type that likes to impose themselves on other people, I had a feeling this park situation wouldn't last


Yesterday, road blocks and signs abound: Closed until further notice. Of course I ran right by the signs. Did my six and went home. Today there was a police officer driving around the park. Probably was there yesterday as well but today's my first sighting. He didn't say anything to me. I said nothing to him and we each went about our business. So long as it stays that way I don't have a problem with it. Well I do, but that's not really what I wanted to post about.

I see a lot of people talking about how things need to be shut down for months.

I see some people on that "I'm getting paid to stay home. *snicker*, *snicker*" thing. Some of these people work for the state and think that the state is somehow a bottomless pit of paychecks. Well I know better.

The states ability to pay its employees is dependent in large part on tax revenue. With businesses being closed that means no tax revenue for the state. No gas tax cause nobody is driving. No sales tax 'cause nobody is in the stores buying (except toilet paper). And when mass unemployment happens lower income taxes for those states that have it. Now I have been through previous state mandated furloughs caused by economic problems. 7 days off without pay. A LOT of my co-workers were, shall we say, fucked. Do you think that when that 2021 budget comes around with the big ZERO where March and April revenues were supposed to be, that layoffs won't happen? That pay cuts won't happen. Yeah, you keep snickering and chuckling about the "paid to stay home".

Oh and for those who were working a second job to stay afloat or get ahead, Well, I hope it's a business the state decided was essential.

*Where Are The Recoveries?*

Now I've previously posted that recoveries are a [way] trailing indicator. Still is. I'm getting concerned that it's still trailing because it's been nearly 4 weeks. At this point we should be getting reports either way. We're getting the "x amount of new cases" and "y numbers of deaths" but not "z numbers recovered". This is bothering me. I've been reading a number of articles, which I won't link to because the claims can't be verified, where large numbers of people have been treated with the anti-malarial drugs and yet there is NO comment whatsoever about how many recovered. Why not? Why is this information being withheld? Other reports, from other countries have made claims to the extent of 99% recoveries with a combination of zinc, and anti-viral and the malaria drug. I have seen none of these reports on so called mainstream media. But, as I said, I see x new cases and y new deaths.

Is there a [good] reason for why recoveries are not being reported to the public?

Part of the reason I ask about this is because some people are talking about lock downs being in place until a vaccine in found?

Hell no.

Vaccines take a long time to develop. Unless you have something on the level of Ebola, you don't shut down society until a vaccine is found. We as a species have lived with viruses and bacteria to which we had and have no vaccines for since we have been on the planet. We have always gone about our business when these things happen. This is not "new". Lets assume that the current apparent treatment is in fact effective (I think it is and I think that some of the silence around recoveries is to protect the supply). If that is the case then these lock downs need to end. Those found to be infected should be given a regimen and not hospitalized (assuming no need for a ventilator). Some people aren't going to make it. That's a part of life. Deal with it. Hell it may be me. I accept that risk.

*Survival of The Fittest*

Reports are showing that cardio vascular disease and diabetes has surpassed hypertension as the leading pre-existing condition leading to severe Wuhan virus symptoms. I was wondering why CVD would be up top. Well it turns out that since this virus attacks the lungs pretty aggressively making the patient essentially suffocate, those with high aerobic capacities would be better positioned to survive. This would also explain why there is a relatively large cohort of non-elderly who get severe symptoms (but usually don't die). I started doing MAF training in December. MAF training is a way to increase one's aerobic capacity for endurance events. That is, the faster I can run at a heart rate that is at my maximum aerobic capacity, then the faster I can run without burning limited sugar stores. In essence, I can do more with less oxygen use. I was shocked to find out that I wasn't as aerobically fit as I thought I was. Now I'm much more fit and even my regular walks require less cardio-vascular effort than it used to. This means that if I suffer an illness that reduces my oxygen intake, I have more wiggle room before I require external help.

Most Americans are obese. As I wrote earlier, a very large proportion of African-Americans are obese and are very aerobically unfit. This includes a large proportion of young people who are winded by going up a single flight of stairs. If you can't currently go up a flight of stairs without heavy breathing you may want to seriously consider wearing a mask in public. Just saying.