Not black because, among other things, I don't let anyone, including Joe, tell me what being black IS."If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
— Lawrence B. Jones III (@LawrenceBJones3) May 22, 2020
Oh really, Joe.
You know, it's just, I don't know. I've been called not black enough because I speak closely enough to "standard" English. Been told I was too black because I'm on that "Garvey shit". Not black enough because I didn't fall for Ferguson. Just black enough because I was for Trayvon Martin and Sean Bell. Not black enough because I don't play basketball (or watch it for that matter) but black enough, I suppose, for running because well Kenyans and Jamaicans run tings on the track. Just sayin'. Though the NYT says I'm discriminated against in the running community.
Not black enough because I reject the victim mentality and government dependency. Too black because I reject the victim mentality and government dependency.
Just can't win.
I'll tell you the "nothing to do with being black" reasons to not be for Joe:
He's got early stage dementia. A vote for Joe is likely a vote for his VP pick and that is currently an unknown and I have serious issues with the current crop of potentials.
I'm for due process of college sexual assault cases for all parties. Joe says he is not.
I am for controlling the border. Joe is not.
I am for the state benefiting and working for it's citizens first, foremost and above all. Joe and the Democrats are not.
I am for the 1st amendment for all, including people who hate me and or engage in conspiracy theories. Joe is not.
I am for the 2nd Amendment period. And yes, I think you can own a tank if you can afford it and have a place to put it because I understand the phrase "shall not be infringed" means. Joe is not.
These are but a few, "not black" reasons I'm not on Joe's side. There's a LOT more where that comes from too.
Now we don't have to agree on these points. That's why we have campaigns and elections. It's why we have the freedom to speak and write non-defamatory and non-libelous things. I respect your right as a citizen to disagree on these points. I look forward to reading and hearing points that are different from the above. Heck, I may be convinced otherwise. Why? Because that's the basic courtesy you extend to your fellow citizen.