There are currently around 1.5 million Americans living with Lupus in the US. One of the standard medications to handle their inflamation is HCQ. Prior to the Wuhan virus when did you see a single report about how dangerous HCQ was? Did you hear reports on how Lupus patients are dropping like flies with heart failure?
No. You heard no such thing. Yet for years, YEARS, this has been a common treatment for them. If HCQ is so dangerous, as the media has been portraying and as certain candidates for office and current office holders have said, why are Lupus patients allowed to take this medication?
I need for you to think this through. Seriously.
I'm not saying there aren't potential deadly side effects from HCQ. Practically every medicine has a deadly side effect that is known and yet those medications are still used. You see commercials for blood pressure medication, Diabetes medication, skin diseases, etc and some of them straight out tell you that certain complications can lead to death. Have you seen any politician of any stripe get on TV and tell you NOT to take these things?
I really need for you to think this through.
HCQ is regularly given to military personnel as well. Do you think that if soldiers were at serious risk of dropping dead of heart issues that the military would use it? What military advantage would be gained by having soldiers in high stress and high cardiac activity taking medicine that would significantly increase the likely hood that they would die in or before they can go into combat?
I really need for you to think this through.
Then there are the God awful "papers' that have been pushed by various news outlets. I've read them and all of them had the same fatal flaws thus far:They were studies of people who were at the late stage of the disease. Listen up: This disease has three stages, Initial stages are like a cold or flu (if you get this far). Most people don't get beyond this stage. Next stage is the high(er) fever and cough. If HCQ is administered at this point (or earlier) most patients will recover with minimal issues. The late stage is a serious drop in blood 02 levels caused by damage to the lungs. If one ends up on a vent at this stage, well I hope you have your affairs in order. HCQ is not effective at the late stage. In these "studies" where HCQ has been shown ineffective, it has been with these late stage patients. Hence these studies do not contradict those that show effectiveness in earlier stages.
This is important to understand and you need to ask why you haven't had this explained to you.
Years ago when Clinton and Trump were squaring off in regards to open borders and illegal aliens, I asked the following question:
How many citizens was Hillary willing to have killed to protect illegal aliens?
Protecting citizens against illegal aliens shouldn't even be a controversial point and the answer to the above ought to be "none" from anyone of any party of a serious country. But this is not a serious country and now we are seeing that there is a significant body of media persons and representatives in government who are entirely willing to let citizens die of a disease in order to claim political power.
Make no mistake, there is no scientific grounds, thus far, for the antics of Biden, Pelosi et-al ion regards to HCQ. None whatsoever.
I told you months ago that the Wuhan Pack was the exit strategy that could have had the US open at least by mid April. You have symptoms, you get tested. If you're positive you get the Wuhan Pack and there is no need for hospital stays unless you have a heart issue or other relevant complication. Hospitals stay clear for regular work, citizens can go about their business with far lesser fear than they have now.
But no, it's fear all day every day. There is only one reason for it at this point: political points and power.
I'm not here telling Democrats to vote for Trump, I'm telling you to choose a better Democrat. If you have representatives who are clearly willing to let you die rather than use a safe drug currently used by millions of people rather than make Trump "look good" you need to put them out of office. If you are a never Trump Republican and you have a representative who would rather you die than have Trump be "right" you need to put them out of office.
Serious business folks. Serious business. The masks are off. Recognize. Let me summarize: HCQ is an FDA approved drug. The FDA is and was fully aware of the side affects when they approved the drug. HCQ has been in use around the world for decades. Millions of Lupus patients use this drug to deal with inflammation. Inflammation and overactive immune responses are the major complications of Wuhan. HCQ addresses this issue and is effective in early stages only. Anyone telling you different is lying to your face for an ulterior motive.