I've been calling out Antifa for years. I've been warning anyone who would listen that Antifa is a terrorist organization full of traitors and that theses traitors are in all levels of private business and government. Here's me in 2017:
The government response to Va, from Trump and Sessions on down has let the left know that it is open season to commit violence against those whom they disagree with. America has just become a much more dangerous place to live. If you are to the right of Antifa and they can tell you can have your financial life and "limb life" in danger...Me in 2019:I agree that Trump (and Sessions) commentary was not enough. Trump should have named names. All. The. Names. Neo-Nazis and Antifa. He should have named government officials who fail to enforce the law. By state and by name. How do you declare your city a sanctuary city AND deny American citizens their right to peaceably assemble and petition the government? This is straight up treason. When government officials are traitors you have a seriously broken country.
-America Is Broken
Antifa is a domestic (actually international) terrorist organization. It claims self-defense against those it labels Neo-Nazis. However; it regards anyone to their right (including moderates) as Neo-Nazis, hence anyone who disagrees with them is in danger of receiving the same treatment. ANY. One. Like this guy:While I am 100% for the benefit of black folks, and am 0% interested in Antifa and those aligned with it. I listened to Malcolm X when he warned about white liberals and black celebrities. I don't care for [the opinions of] either party.
-Of Jussie and Andy
The linked article is extremely long and has hundreds if not thousands of links to supporting material. Y'all better wake up. They told you what they were about:
Hint: It's ain't Floyd.