You see the suspect walk up to the house. Stand in front of the house. Enter the house. Exit the house and then run through what appears to be the yard.
Realize that once this video evidence is shown to the jury, assuming it even gets that far at this point, because this is exculpatory evidence, that the defense has rock solid reasonable doubt in regards to the felony murder charge. Not only that, but they have an affirmative defense in the forms of citizens arrest since they had witnessed what they could reasonably think was an attempted robbery (the garage seems to be open so it is not breaking and entering). And since they were pursuing someone who could reasonably be suspected of committing a crime, that since the suspect is seen on video attacking them that they also had an affirmative defense under the GA stand your ground laws.
Realize that if this goes the way that the current evidence shows, not only will the prosecutors in this case be liable for malicious prosecution because they had already seen this video, but anyone publicly involved in trying to make them out to be guilty may be liable for defamation and/or libel. Also there is a strong civil rights violation. Which would be ironic to say the least.
I cannot understate how much this video undercuts the state's case.