No seriously. Given the opportunity to suggest replacement for Robert E. Lee, Negroes have come up with Missy Elliot. I have even seen suggestions for Michael Jackson.
I mean it's not like if your going to replace confederate monuments to one of the most significant wars in US history, if not THE defining war after the war for independence from England, you would suggest someone like Sojourner Truth or Fredrick Douglass. Not Harriet Tubman. No, the first thing that comes to mind is a rapper.
They didn't come up with Garrett Morgan or any other black person of science. Heck, given the recent overrepresentation of Katherine Johnson you would think they would have picked her. But nope. Missy Eliot.
Not Fannie Lou Hamer. Not Barbara Jordan. Missy Elliot.
And I'm not even getting into more political figures like Garvey or Martin Delany. If anything this is a perfect example of why black people in America continue to fail. This exaltation of rappers, singers and ballers at the expense of scientists and real deal activists is part of the reason why we continue to be missing in the elite levels of modern societies and are left complaining about racism and klan members most of them haven't seen hide nor hair of.