As a result of this cooperation between the state and business, millions of citizens were deprived their rights. They could be harassed on the street. They could be fired from their jobs (if they got hired). When they tried to peacefully assemble to exercise their constitutional rights they were beaten by agents of the state. When the state didn't do the beating, they stood by idle while citizens with the "right ideas" beat on the people with the "wrong ideas". After all those people had the "wrong ideas" and "wrong identities" so who would and should care.
People who thought that this blatant disregard for the law and the dangers of such state condoned violence were called "traitors" and Communists. Many of them were cowed into silence due to the threats they received. They had to live in fear of random mobs showing up where they worked or lived. Their employers were warned that if they continued to employ the "bad people" their own businesses were in danger.
When the "bad people" had meetings, angry mobs would surround them with weapons. Often these mobs consisted of people who wore masks or other means of disguise. On the few times that the people being disenfranchised retaliated against the people beating on them, the media would use their actions to show how uncivilized and barbaric the "bad people were" which was proof that they shouldn't be allowed to have "rights".
Fortunately the American people came to understand that this arrangement was detrimental to society. Yet now in 2017 the entire lesson has been forgotten. Once again businesses and corporations are aligned with government to protect a particular narrative. They are using their power to deny service and accommodations to those who fall afoul of the particular narrative. The police have been once again used as a tool, not of upholding the law and constitutional rights, but of The Narrative. I believe that what we saw in Va. over the weekend, ends MUCH of the support that police had in right leaning communities. It was one thing to see Berkley police being Berkley police. But a southern police allowing communists to run around unmolested? I'd never thought I'd see it. Which brings me to my last point: The US Government and major corporations have been infiltrated by Communists.
I know this sounds McCarthyite but of all the "reporting" on VA from the MSM and various government and ex-government officials, no one has named the communist. Antifa is communist organization. Didn't we have a whole cold war with countries with that ideology? I seem to recall a whole "take down this wall" moment. Wasn't the entire problem with Cuba the fact that it is communist? Why hasn't the news madia pointed out the communist? The answer is because the communist is in the position to shape the news so that the communist can maintain the hidden hand.
I remember watching a video of a {ex?] Russian intelligence officer discussing how they planned on taking down America. They would infiltrate the institutions (education, etc) and once they got their ideas into students in particular, these students would then enter areas of influence where they would direct policy.
This is why Antifa can go without critique in a country that actually fought wars against communists. This is why you can find so many Americans who say that Americans have too much freedom of speech and too much privacy. Ideas that were common in communists countries are now common in the intellectual elite in America. Nazis don't have free assembly rights? Where is that in the constitution? Nowhere. All citizens have free assembly rights and the state has a legal obligation to protect those rights. Why is this even something to be discussed or argued? Free speech applies to everyone and ESPECIALLY for those who we do not like, agree with or my find personally lower than the dirt under shit.
The government response to Va, from Trump and Sessions on down has let the left know that it is open season to commit violence against those whom they disagree with. America has just become a much more dangerous place to live. If you are to the right of Antifa and they can tell you can have your financial life and "limb life" in danger. On the other side, if you're not white and you are out and about and some neo nazi or white nationalist or just some right of center person who feels threatened, realizes he has no non-violent means of being heard and having his legitimate issues addressed (which doesn't mean all his issues are legitimate) decides on venting his anger decides he's gonna take it out on the next non-white person he sees, well you're fucked.
I agree that Trump (and Sessions) commentary was not enough. Trump should have named names. All. The. Names. Neo-Nazis and Antifa. He should have named government officials who fail to enforce the law. By state and by name. How do you declare your city a sanctuary city AND deny American citizens their right to peaceably assemble and petition the government? This is straight up treason.
When government officials are traitors you have a seriously broken country.