Why are many in America, with its professions of Christian and democratic values, oblivious to our government’s glaring criminal foreign policy? Philosopher Noam Chomsky provides an answer. “We own the world,” he said. As an example, he gave the repeated threats of the U.S. and Israel to bomb Iran, saying, “There happens to be something called the UN Charter which says that—in Article 2—the threat or use of force in international affairs is a crime. . . . Does anyone care?” He continued, “No, because we’re an outlaw state by definition, or to be more precise our threats and use of force are not foreign, they’re indigenous because we own the world.” (“We Own The World,” Adapted from a Z Media Institute talk June 2007, Z Magazine, Jan. 2008)Oh don't let the references to minor non-white players in the White Supremacy game. The phrase is "White Supremacy" not "White Only". How is what is quoted above different than the "White Man's burden" of yesteryear?
Another example of American hegemony cited by Professor Chomsky was former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice saying that “the solution to the problem in Iraq . . . is quite obvious, ‘Withdraw all foreign forces and withdraw all foreign arms’ . . . she was not referring to U.S. forces, she was referring to Iranian forces and Iranian arms. And that makes sense, too,” Chomsky explained, “on the assumption that we own the world because, since we own the world U.S. forces cannot be foreign forces anywhere.” He concluded, “It’s all too easy to continue with this indefinitely. Just pick your topic. It’s a good exercise to try. This simple principle, ‘we own the world,’ is sufficient to explain a lot of the discussion about foreign affairs.” (Ibid)
It isn't.
That a person of color is at the head of one unit of the Global White Supremacy entity does not change what it is. Africom is still happening. That POC was the first president to order a killing of a Somali "pirate" who was barefoot and wearing rags.
But don't worry. Responsible Negroes (tm) will not utter the phrase. It's far easier and "polite" to say "American Hegemony" as if NATO does not exist. That France is not right now in Mali for "humanitarian reasons". That Ghadaffi wasn't offed by a coalition of European countries. That just last Sunday a representative of the US said on This Week that non-whites are "irrational" as he went on to list "rational" "players" in the current Syria and Iranian conflicts that consisted entirely of European nations.
Yup. None dare say it's name.