Are the companies that bring us junk food and sugary drinks funding feel-good research studies to mask what they’re really doing—driving conditions such as obesity and diabetes to record-high levels, particularly among Blacks and Latinos?Yes, Manufacturers are putting out food that have shit ingredients. They sit on the shelves with tantalizing names and shiny wrappers. Clearly black folks are so unable to resist these things that we must blame the manufactures of the foods sitting on the shelves for the process of purchasing, unwrapping, cooking and ingesting large quantities of this material.
Two recent studies in medical journals build on the mounting evidence: Food and drink makers are funding their own research studies that (not surprisingly) fail to reveal the health risks from their products that have been repeatedly proven elsewhere. At the same time, these companies are coming up with creative corporate-responsibility campaigns that hide the risks of empty calories behind campaigns for wellness, exercise, and support of Black and Latino communities—the very ones that would benefit most from replacing processed food with fresh choices.
I mean it would be soooooooo racist to say to black folks, "Hey, read the ingredients and choose wisely or you'll get diabetes."
That would be racist. So instead we shall place the onus on the manufactures because a segment of the population is clearly inherently incapable of making good dietary choices that such items need to be removed from the shelves for their own protection, kinda like what we do for...ummmm.....children. So go read the article. Note that you'll see not a single mention of a suggestion that black folks, who by the article suffer a 70% obesity rate, take responsibility for what they ingest.