Earlier this week, the President of the Ivory Coast announced at a donors’ conference in Ethiopia that the price tag for the “African-led International Support Mission to Mali” would be $950 million. That’s to cover not just military deployment and logistics, but humanitarian assistance, and at least the down payment on future development. But despite the supposed crisis that threatens not just Africa, but Europe as well, the assembled delegates came up with only $450 million, less than half the amount requested. Among the donors, Japan, which pledged $120 million, the United States, $96 million, Germany, 20 million. But the most outrageous pledges came from the governments of India and China –$1 million dollars—each! This is China, mind you, that, with huge investments throughout West Africa, has an enormous amount at risk if political instability spreads.Arms dealers are laughing all the way the tax haven banks in northern Europe.