On Wednesday, San Francisco police got a call about 9 a.m. that someone was exposing himself outside a US Airways gate, Sgt. Michael Rodriguez said.
An airline employee spotted Marman before he boarded Flight 488, bound for Albuquerque, and complained that Marman's pants "were below his buttocks but above the knees, and that much of his boxer shorts were exposed," Rodriguez said.
The employee asked Marman to pull up his pants before he boarded the plane, but he refused, Rodriguez said. Marman allegedly repeated his refusal after taking his seat on the plane.
"At that point he was asked to leave the plane," Rodriguez said. "It took 15 to 20 minutes of talking to get him to leave the plane, and he was arrested for trespassing." Marman allegedly resisted officers as he was being led away.
The problem was that the report is entirely wrong. When we get the actual video we find that this fellow told the employee that he would "take care of it" when he got to his seat. Which, in the video we cannot confirm, but it is clear that he did in fact cooperate. If the employee did not want to wait for him to board the plane before hitching up his pants then she ought not to have let him board.
Where is Marman "resisting"? He made his case clearly. He paid for his ticket. He wasn't bothering anyone, nor did he pose a risk of any kind to the plane. How is asserting your right to not be harassed "resisting"? Also, Am I the only person disturbed by the fact that they decided ask him the silly ass question of whether he has a boarding pass? How do they suppose he got on the plane? How do they suppose he got past TSA? They know he has a boarding pass and ticket, there was no need to even go there. But the problem here is not ONLY that they harassed this black man, it was that this same airline let this guy:

On the plane with no questions asked even though multiple passengers raised objections. Why is that? Why is it considered OK by the "authorities" for a white male dressed as a female. with clothes that are "decent" on a beach, to board a plane? but brother man with his sagging pants is worthy of arrest?
I have said this many times, and with increasing frequency, that is coming to a point in America where being a straight black male, is more problematic than being a homosexual (or at the very least cross dressing) male (or female). It seems clear to me that the "authorities" were more afraid of what the "gay lobby" would do if this person had been stopped and asked to dress "appropriately" than they were of fucking with black folk ('cause who knows, perhaps the black guy was gay and simply not a "flame").
Since the Rutgers' student threw himself off the George Washington Bridge last year, we have been inundated by advertising that "it gets better" Because so many gay youth are targeted for hate crimes and bullying (though bullying ex-representative Weiner over his sex life is apparently OK). Even the president who wastes no political ammo coming to bat for black folks stepped to the microphone for the It Gets Better campaign.
You know what though, When you look at the reported "hate crime" statistics* you find the following: In 2010 there were 930 reported incidents of hate crimes against homosexual males and females. In the same year there were 2,876 incidences of hate crimes against black persons. As a matter of fact the statistics for offenses and victims of hate crimes is consistently 3x worse for black people than for homosexuals. How the HELL do we get a It Gets Better campaign for people who are nowhere nearly as victimized by bias than black folk? Anti-Black crime overshadows EVERY category of hate crime category. It is clear that in this society it is OK to mess with Negroes. Do understand that this is not just in the realm of private business. The government is very much involved in this.
In NYC, there is a program in which a Taxi cab can put a sticker on their vehicle which indicates to the NYPD that they are allowed to stop the vehicle to check on the well being of the cabbie. This program was started after many a good cabbie have been robbed and killed by passengers. We understand that society would want to protect the cab drivers who are simply out to make an honest living But the NYPD in it's usual habit of abrogating the constitutional rights of black folk, stopping them on the street my the hundreds of thousands to stop and frisk them because they committed some "other" category of suspicious activities, have expanded their crimes against black citizens.
“The other officers were shining lights in the car,” Mr. Battle said. “They told me to get out of the car.”...The officers requested identification and told him he was going to be frisked, and he raised his arms. But the officers went beyond patting him down.
“They went into my pockets,” he said. “They went into my shoulder bag.”
When he asked them what was going on, Mr. Battle said, “they told me they were able to do this because of a decal on the back of the cab, that this sticker gives them permission to search me.”
Total and utter bullshit claim made by the officers. No sticker on any car does away with a citizen's 4th amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. And exactly what makes this particular search "reasonable"? He fit's the description? I know that one very well.
It is clear here that Negroes are a class of people who it is still OK to abuse at will with nary a peep from those in authority or those so called "Civil Rights leadership" who are far more concerned with protecting Obama than representing the needs of the people. If Obama can put up a video talkin' about how It Gets Better, he ought to be able to stand up and declare, without hesitation that shooting or tazering handcuffed citizens is unacceptable and will be subject to the full force of the Justice (sic) Department. But when you have a class of people who aggressively push their agenda against a class of people who are content to fawn over a black president and family, then don't expect the harassment to stop 'cause after everyone gets theirs there will always be Negroes to mess with.
*I personally do not agree with the concept of hate crime for anything other than statistical analysis. I do not believe the state ought to be punishing people over WHAT they thought when they thought of committing a crime. We ought to only punish behavior. In a free country the freedom of speech necessitates the protection of the thoughts that produce said speech. you can think about killing your boss all day every day. You can talk about killing your boss all day, every day. You cannot actually attempt to carry out that thought.