When I started the book I was confused by the numerous acronyms that were thrown at me in the midst of a battle that was the opening of the book. I had to put the book down. This is not a fault of the author. It was me. I've found that since I deal with computers and computer language most of the time, I needed to adjust my mind for this book, much like I do for anything non-technical. This was a good move on my part.
Once I returned to the book, I soon became very impressed with the author's mixing of history, fiction, psycho-analysis and humor. Lots of humor. Once I got my mind wrapped around the acronyms I found that they were indeed coded references to some sort of historical account, social issue or something that would strike me later or the next day. My favorite by far is the Notorious N-I-G. Personally I think a college class could be taught on the numerous "oddly" named superheroes. I still haven't figured out yet whether Piltdown man was in fact a take on Piltdown man.
Personally I identified heavily with the X-Man. I don't want to post spoilers about the book, but suffice it to say that the X-Man Character along with the "Hawk-Kink" is a veritable encyclopedia of African history in coded form (like much else in the book). Ultimately this was a book worth purchasing and a good reader will also have a history book for reference. The acronyms can cause a bit of confusion for some but that's a minor quibble. I have to confess, I didn't answer the questions, but they were good ones that I do suggest people do answer for themselves.
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