Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Double Standard Indeed!! *Warning! This Post Contains FOUL Language!!*


I want to send out a huge FUCK YOU to Detective or Sargent Fuentez or whatever THAT FUCK his name is.

Today we learned that the officer driving NJ Governor Corzine was doing above 90MPH at the time of the accident,

Detective Fuentez, in an interview aired on NJN News was quoted as saying that "we need to take into consideration the situation" in which the speed may have been "appropriate."


From all the people in NJ who have had the indignity of being harassed by police speed traps, being followed and had our bank accounts tapped. How dare you even SAY something like that when if any civilian was caught doing less than that would be laughed out of court if they even attempted to say "I was late." " I was in a rush for an important meeting."


NJ resident.


Anonymous said...

While I think your anger is justified, I think it may be misplaced.

After all, this guy was doing his job, not joyriding.... and his boss was sitting in the back seat and all he had to do was say "Slow down. Even though we'll be late and its my fault, I'd rather deal with the consequences of being late than risk the lives of people on this road."

(I mean, its not as if corzine was could have been oblivious to the fact that he was whizzing by everything else on the turnpike as if they were doing 30 mph on a 60mph highway.)

sondjata said...

ummm... no.

If you see the first post on the subject "A Special case of profiling" I put this in the context of somone who has been profiled by the NJ State police and a couple of local jurisdictions.

Corzine was in the front seat and not the back. His location is beside the point.

His driver was a state trooper, the same MOFOS that sit in wait for citizens who are going about thier business. The same MOFOS that will use speeding as an excuse to pull you over and search your vehicle. This is a blatant double standard. I won't even get into the regular light running that police do.

That the Col. had the gall to say something along the lines of "we have to take into consideration the circumstances" is BS. The governor and State police are supposed to be held to the same law that any other citizen is held to. If a meeting is no excuse for citizens to "speed" then neither is it for State Trooper or for Governor Corzine. If he was in that much of a rush they should have gotten a helicopter.