Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why Don't They Take Over Apple And Get It Over With?

For those paying attention, the EU has become (or possibly always was meant to be) a total communist state. It can negate the national sovereignty of its member states practically at will. It has turned its sights on certain tech companies by making "rules' about how they can conduct business in EU states. Now I'm not against things like consumer protection but the EU has gone much further than that.

For example we have the later recinded letter to X in regards to Trump's interview. In that letter the EU apparatchik told Elon that he better watch out because they would come after him if there was...


Of course all sane, liberty loving people rejected that nonsense.  But the EU has shown that it is not at all concerned about the pesky low lives of those who fund it. 

In regards to Apple, they have been making demands like they have to open the platform to competing app stores. It is and was a bad ruling and the companies that benefit will probably live long enough to regret this power they have cheered on. Anyway, as a consumer I rejected this kind of nonsense because IF I was not satisfied with what Apple offered, I could get an Android based device (among other options). I have *no right* to an app store. I n fact I have personally disconnected myself from Apple IOS devices for other reasons.

If the EU was really interested in consumer protection, it would go after Apple for switching out people's bought and paid for music with versions of their own choosing. Or they could go after companies who tell you that you *purchased* an item when in reality it;s rented and can be remotely removed from your device (or blocked from read/watch/listening) at the will of the company. However; that's not the point here. This morning I saw a report on Apple Insider that just struck me as bullshit.

 Personally, I think Apple should tell them to stick the demand where the sun doesn't regularly shine and then block the entire EU from Apple products until this entity is brought to heel.

Apple specifies a standard for, as an example, USB-C connections to it's devices. There is code that applications have to use. Apple creates the phones and tablets and if a company wants to build for them, they have to use the standards provided. If Apple fails to provide these things or a company cannot implement them for whatever reason, then the company cannot exist for THAT product. Boo hoo, next idea.

It is not the place of government to tell a private business how it should create its products (outside of a very narrow set of circumstances). It certainly does not have the right to tell it that it must do x, y or z for the benefit of it's competitors. That's what the market does. I grew dissatisfied with Apple and moved to Xiaomi devices. I'm happy with them and have no plans to return to IOS for personal use. I don't want the government to force Apple to make me a happy customer. 

Ultimately this overreach, in my opinion, this overreach reveals the actual reason for the EU. It is a fascist or communist entity which sees private businesses as it's property. The EU is becoming a not so "silent partner" in too many businesses and it needs to be stopped.