Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Here's What...

 I have discussed the use of NLP in various publications. In recent years I noticed that print publications had been using "command" language in order to manipulate their readers. Usually it's in the form "here's what" or "here's how". This prompt conditions the  mind to accept "programming". The conscious person is aware of it and will reject the programming while those unaware will accept the programming. That is the conscious person will filter what comes next because they consciously recognize the prompt and their conscious mind can run "interference".

I have lived long enough that I can remember that there was a time when such "here's how..." headlines were not common at all. I was not mistaken:

Notice that huge uptick in the late 80s that then ramped up dramatically through the 2000s and thus far peaked in 2020. We know that 2020 was when we experienced perhaps the most blatant amounts of propaganda and programming ever known in the US and around the world. What is interesting is the delay in British English usage.

While British English saw an increase it decreased and then exploded in use .

Here's another example. Another direct command:

 For some reason after 2000, publishers really felt that people should be angry.

Oh and for some reason, Americans are talking about Nazis at a rate nearing that of when actual Nazis were running around in the 1940s.

Pretty sure these are all coincidental.