Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Why Trump Keeps Pushing The Shot

I saw someone expressing frustration that Trump keeps talking up the "vaccine" at his rallies. I had wondered the same thing for a while. After all Fauci is not popular among his "base" and neither are the mandates. Nor the lock-downs. So why even remind people of The Shot? Then I saw another comment.

"Trump is talking to Democrats and others outside the party and MAGA".

And they are absolutely correct. Trump has the Republican nomination on lock. Short of some "black swan" event. Trump is not losing the primary.  It is not unusual for the primary winner to move his or her messaging to those who may be persuadable in contested venues. Trump is just doing that earlier than is usual given the unusual circumstances he finds himself.

The reason why some anti-shot people don't get that is because, to an extent we live in a bubble. We "no shot" people are an extremely small population. 95% of the population took the shot. Many if not most of them voluntarily did it.  There is no political win to bad talk the shot to that population no matter how correct you may be. To a population that still believes these shots are effective and actually saved lives, taking credit for getting it out, quickly, is a plus.

Where Trump is vulnerable on the subject, even among the persuadable class, is the lockdown. It is clear that Trump essentially handed the power to Fauci and Birx. Reading Scott Atlas' book, makes it clear thaty Birx and Fauci had an agenda and I personally think should be executed via firing squad. But this abdication of leadership to these people highlights a major Trump weakness:

Poor staffing decisions.

Trump is too easily impressed by people, shocking given his "Apprentice" persona. Per the nature of his business he has to trust the people he delegates responsibility to. In a private business, if those people fail, at worst the business fails and that's it. When it comes to national office, that kind of fail, destroys the country. Stakes are way too high for those kinds of mistakes.

And this brings us to another problem. Lets say there is another Trump term. Who is going to staff it? After seeing what Democrats have done with the "justice system" [sic] who's willing to risk working for Trump? And if there are people with sense who would work for Trump, would he be bright enough to hire them? I honestly don't know.

Anyway, the point here is that, you (likely) and I may know that these shots are far more dangerous than COVID for the vast majority of the population, but that knowledge is not shared by much of the public. For them shots and boosters are "science" that is saving millions of lives. In that kind of environment, talking up the shots is a political winner.