Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, September 11, 2023

We Used To Have Work When The Whites Were In Charge

 A devastating article in Der Speigel on current day South Africa.

"9910. That was the train I used to take to work every day. The last one ran six years ago," an aging Black man says in disgust as he walks past the station entrance. He adds caustically: "We used to have work when the whites were in charge, and life was better."

It’s hard to believe: A 60-year-old Black man, who was oppressed and exploited for half his life, misses the Apartheid era?

I remember when Apartheid ended. My peers and I were all "black man's time now". And how South Africa would show the world how it could be done. We were annoyed, to put it mildly about the Truth and Reconciliation committee and the entire idea of forgiving anyone who confessed.

Much later did  I come to understand WHY they were done. America had a similar outcome to it's civil war, hence the statues and names that have now been vilified and destroyed by those who know nothing but revenge and what they *think* is justice.

A few years ago when we were all deprived of our right to assemble (COVID lockdowns) I ran across many documentaries that shows just how bad a vast majority of black people have it outside of the United States. I posted a series because at the time with the dumb deification of George Floyd, so many people were talking about how "oppressed" they are. 

You don't know oppression. Most of you don't even know poverty.

Franz Fanon discussed the native "middle class" and their problems. This article is a prime example of what Fanon was discussing. This is BLM "leadership" on a national level.

The lesson here, which may come to late for America, is that this dumb "woke" leadership will destroy a modern country. NYC is finding out the hard way how symbolic "anti-racism" comes to bite you in the butt. Whereas South Africa had a revolution that put incompetent and corrupt people into power, America is voluntarily going down this road. And here's the thing, The further down the road you go, the harder it is to stop and reverse course. The more drastic the actions have to be. Most people don't have the stomach to do what needed to be done 20 years ago, what makes you think they currently have the stomach to do MORE than was required then?