Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Chicago Loses A COVID Case


Well the good part about this is:

An Illinois judge ruled that the city of Chicago must rehire and pay back lost wages of unionized city employees who were fired or disciplined for violating COVID-19 vaccination requirements.

Administrative law judge Anna Hamburg-Gal, writing on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, said that the city "failed and refused" to bargain in good faith with union leaders "over the effects of its decision to implement a COVID-19 vaccine mandate."


Affected employees must also be paid back lost wages and benefits with 7% annual interest, according to the ruling.

The part that I have a problem with is the whole 

" the city "failed and refused" to bargain in good faith with union leaders ""

As I argued when I was put under the gun, Under what contract does a Union have to negotiate and prescribe medical care for its members?  Unions negotiate health benefits not actual health care.

My second problem is the fundamental of people being free to agree to and decline medical interventions without any sort of coercion. In particular the right to refuse EXPERIMENTAL medical treatments of any kind without coercion by any public or private entity.

This is THE fundamental issue and it is clear to me that these judges are not interested in this. I think this is because these judges are enforcing the interests of the state as it grows it's power over people in ways that it should never have. The entire "process violation" rulings are just distractions. The fundamental issue needs to be addressed or this WILL happen again.