Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Sunday, January 08, 2023

The Demonization of the Invaccinated

 I ran across this substack and had to share. I'll repeat here that for me March 2020 represented a turning point. It was a point where the things I assumed were shared understandings, and limits' among Americans turned out to be wrong. I was very aware that the left in particular had a thing about free speech. But to see them go to the point where 50% of them were good with imprisoning people for questioning the government and for refusing to participate in experimental medical procedures was a wake up call.

To see elected officials not only do completely unconstitutional things but would go on national TV and say that the things like the founding documents are "above their pay grade" (and therefore not their consideration or restraint) was shocking. Worse though is that citizens subject to these blatant violation of natural rights RE-ELECTED most of these people to second or more terms. And this is the topic here. How people in the so called "democratic" west went nuts because they were made to be afraid. Made to be afraid by "leaders" who, in my estimation, are having their strings pulled by other organizations with ulterior motives that *require* the destruction of nation states.

I present to you

A Look Back at the Demonization of the Unvaccinated