Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Feminism's Fallout Continues Apace

 I remember back in the day when I was sympathetic to feminism. I would dare say that I may have been considered a feminist male.

Yeah, yeah yeah...

That all came to a halt when I started having disagreements with [certain] women about certain positions that they held.  I was told that because I was a man I couldn't speak upon certain subjects.


Yes, no matter how smart I was. No matter what facts I brought to the table, the simple fact that I had a penis (remember this was pre WW Tranny) anything I had to say was null and void.

Well, I was certainly not amenable to THAT position. That situation also made me realize how much of a hypocrite I was for telling non-blacks the same thing: You're not black therefore what you say is of no value.

Thankfully I no longer hold either position. Either you make a sound argument with supporting evidence or you do not. I don't care who you are or what your position may be. If you're correct, you're correct. But back to the feminists. I foresaw that their rigidity and devotion to oppression olympics would be their own undoing. Ultimately they would bring great harm to women while having so called "good intentions". See once they played the "you can't speak unless you are this..." and "this [act] is inherently oppressive", the death spiral is unavoidable. Here's the latest example:

 "On Friday, the video game company Limited Run Games fired their community manager, a woman named Kara Lynn, after a far-left trans activist using the name Purple Tinker demanded the company either fire Lynn because she followed conservative users on Twitter such as Ian Miles Cheong and Libs of Tik Tok, or lose their support. "
I'm not clear as to who this "support" is supposed to be, but I doubt the tranny in question is a paying customer.

That's an aside though. A man in a dress got an actual woman fired because HE didn't like Her follow list.

Welcome to the "you have no rights that a tranny must respect" world. You paved the way for it.

""The community manager for @LimitedRunGames, @/KaraLynne0326, is a transphobe who follows a veritable who's who of right-wing transphobic creeps.Unless and until she is fired from the company permanently, I am not giving them another single dime. (CW: Transphobia)," Purple Tinker tweeted at the company on January 6 at 9:06 am.

At 5:40 pm the same day, on their Twitter account, Limited Run Games announced that Lynn had been fired and wrote "LRG respects all personal opinions, however we remain committed to supporting an inclusive culture. Upon investigating a situation, an employee was terminated. Our goal as a company is to continue to foster a positive and safe environment for everyone.""

 This company fired the employee in less than 24 hours of this posting. Think about that. They fired this person for reasons that had nothing to do with their job performance. There wasn't even the hint of treating a customer disrespectfully. This random man in a dress just "atted" a company and that company just did their bidding.


Say can a random white person get a black person fired within 24 hours by sending a tweet to their employer ? 

Asking for the local white supremacist.

Oh and apparently the tranny in question is an advocate for statutory rape:

wrote user Sophia Narwitz, who added screen grabs of Purple Tinker advocating for sex between adults and minors.

That's what this game company wants as customers.

Strange times.

Hard to be sympathetic though. The warning signs were there for anyone paying attention. Shoulda spoke up when those feminists were going off the rails.