Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

In Defense Of Patrisse Cullors

 Apparently Patrisse Cullors, the "trained Marxist" leader of Black Lives Matter Inc. has gotten paid quite a bit. People are mad. I'm not. Why?

See, I knew BLM was a fraud when the facts of the Michael Brown shooting occurred. It was then compounded when this chick said that black on black crime is not a real thing. But still y'all (you know who you are) supported that bullshit so why shouldn't she get paid?

Evervybody else gets paid. Blue Vest Deray got paid and a position at Princeton. I've been writing on black issues here since 2003 not a single Ivy League university has so much as looked up my e-mail address. Perhaps if I get more black people killed they would want to know who I am.

Colleges and universities are getting paid to teach "social justice". If these professors can be paid to run the scam why can't Patrisse? 

I can't walk around without seeing a "black lives matter" face mask on somebody's face. If these folks can get paid why can't Patrisse?

Look, back in the day the NAACP had the sense to make sure that whoever they went to bat for had impeccable credentials. Do you think Rosa Parks was the first person to refuse to get up out her seat? You think Jackie Robinson was the first AND BEST black baseball player?

No. They had impeccable character so that the issue would always be what was done TO them. But now these so called leaders jump up for every crook who passes a paper bag test. 

So everything is backwards now and y'all (you know who you are) support that BS. Again, Tim Wise gets paid to promote black victimology. Robin DeAngelo gets paid to promote not only black victimology but these crackers get away with making children out of grown ass black people. How? Because they teach that black people have no agency or responsibility for their behavior.

Witness the current "Asian hate crimes" hysteria where it is known that the vast majority of these attacks have been at the hands, mouths and feet of black people and yet these clear racial hate incidents are blamed on...

White people.

Just like how these so called "throw back to Jim Crow" voter laws are being said to disenfranchise blacks because apparently black people are incapable of getting, renewing or changing their ID cards before the cut off date for registration and/or voting.

So yeah, since everybody can get in and get paid off black victimization and infantilization  then Patrisse Cullors should be able to as well.

And if you don't like it then stop financially supporting Black Lives Matter Inc (which has a lot of front organizations as well as BEING a front organization itself) and financially supporting those who are NOT profiting off of black victim and infant mentalities.