This is literally fake news. This headline isn't misleading. It is dead wrong. There is no excuse for this.
Right now there are doctors across the US and around the Globe using hydroxychloroquine along with other drugs (The Wuhan Packet) to treat patients. Is it 100% effective? No. It's so far between 70 and 90 percent effective. Do some people have side effects? Yes. No one who is rational and sane is disputing that. Are there consequences for long term use? Yes. That's why the treatment is NOT given long term.
Lastly, the drugs being tried are already FDA approved and doctors regularly prescribe medicines for off label use.
CNN has been off the rails for years now. I don't watch it. I have strongly encouraged people to turn it off due to it's disinformation but now CNN is literally trying to get people killed during a pandemic. If you don't realize what CNN is from this, I don't know what to tell you. [updated]
Graph from Science Direct
The green line represents 2 or 3 ingredients of my proposed "Wuhan Pack".
? CNN says "researchers say there is no evidence".
CNN is literally a propaganda outlet that will get you killed.