Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Va Gov Makes 2nd Amendment a Racial Issue

Va Gov, Ralph (Black face or KKK) Northam, went and declared a state of emergency for the upcoming rally to be held at the state capital. This naked aggression against the citizens of Virginia is not surprising given the previous discussions of sending in the military and thee budgeting for jailing citizens who resist the planned "gun control" legislation. What caught me off guard was the attempt to link these upcoming protests to Charlottesvile.
Northam is raising concerns about a reprise of the deadly violence surrounding the white supremacist march in Charlottesville in August 2017. He said state intelligence analysts have identified threats and rhetoric online that mirror the chatter they were picking up around that time.

"Please know that we have been preparing extensively to protect public safety at Monday's rally. But no one wants another incident like the one we saw in Charlottesville in 2017," Northam said.

Know that this is by no means an accident. Not only is Northam projecting that the defense of the natural right to self-defense, including with a firearm, as protected by the constitution, is a "racist" and/or "White Supremacist" thing, but he is making the argument that persons and groups holding such views present a danger to the public.

Never mind that the report on Charlottesville showed that the violence that occurred there was a direct result of the failure of the relevant authorities to enforce the first amendment rights of those who had the permit, but a desire on the part of the relevant authorities to have the protestors "have it out" in order to create a state of emergency. This lead to the death of Heather Heyer.

Secondly, it is known by those in law enforcement that [white] NRA types are not the type to "call in threats of violence" against people holding rallies. This is almost entirely an [P]Antifa thing.

I honestly, 100% do not believe that any real "right-wing militia" from either in or out of state threatened any kind of violence for Jan 20. I believe that Northam is either lying or such commentary came from Antifa or Antifa sympathetic groups or persons, false flagging. Why? Because real, racist, white supremacist militia groups could care less what comes out of the statehouse. They will keep their guns and fire on any state asset that tries to take them.

Anyway, once again I think that the happenings in VA are extremely important. This issue could bring the 2nd amendment up the highest court if it doesn't become an actual shooting conflict. The issue of whether those in law enforcement and military will fire on/kill citizens who are claiming their rights under the constitution may come to the fore. Will Virginia fill its jails with political prisoners? Heck, will northern VA split from the rest of the state?