Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Bernie And Warren Sitting At A Table

I didn't watch the "debates". I've seen the adverts, I know what they are proposing. Not interested. The latest attack on Bernie is interesting for a few reasons though.

Firstly, we recall that the DNC threw the race to Hillary and did what it could to sideline Sanders. Apparently, they have not learned the lesson from that. Sanders remains very popular despite Joe Biden continuing to lead for reasons that remain a logical mystery. To see CNN, an arm of the DNC, call Sanders a liar when it was supposed to be a "moderator" was typical. Hopefully, those who still think CNN is "news" finally "get it."

Secondly, let's assume that the comment was actually made by Sanders. I seriously doubt that the manner in which it has been presented to the public is accurate. One can, in fact, say that a woman cannot be president, without actually impugning women as a class. It is entirely possible that Sanders made the comment (assuming he did) in the context that he believes that the country is too sexist to hand the highest office in the land to a woman. Hence the comment would be a condemnation of the voting public rather than any woman running for office.

The problem for Bernie is that he would have to explain this and we all know that the clip of "yes I said it" would be taken and repeated out of context. Hence his best move, assuming he said it, was to deny saying it. I get it. But that's not even the biggest point imo.

The larger point here is that Democrats, Warren in particular, are shown that they cannot be trusted to keep private conversations private. If I'm in a private meeting with a person and we have a frank conversation on a topic and you decide that because you're looking to advance yourself, you should reveal the contents of said conversation, then you are not a trustworthy person. That makes you an opportunist. Now we already know Warren is an opportunist. She played Indian for years and made money off of it. You'd think that the voting public would put her out of office over that massive "cultural appropriation" (AKA "lie) and she'd have dropped out before Harris and Booker. So the fact that she is still a 'viable" candidate with that massive lie on her resume tells us that not only are Democrats OK with such opportunists but that they have no problem with such violations of confidentiality.

I think that reflects poorly on the qualifications of Warren.

It did, however; reflect well on Sanders. Perhaps he knew there was a hot mic. Maybe not. However; his "lets not do this here" was the highest of high ground to take after that conflict. I respect Sanders for maintaining that a topic of conversation that was had in private should have stayed in private. Doesn't mean I support Sanders the candidate though.

Meanwhile, Warren is left playing the "I have a vagina" card. Worked very well for Hillary Clinton.