Not only do we have the tranny nonsense but we have a crop of athletes who think that male and female athletes are "equal". Even athletes who know better have been spouting that nonsense because they are afraid of the Alphabet Mafia (for good reason). However; this weekend in Doha we were treated to a grand scientific experiment that blew up this entire "equal" and "same" nonsense in front of the whole world.
Behold the mixed 400 meter relay final:>
Despite being given a lead of nearly 100 meters. Not only did the polish woman get utter CRUSHED by the leading American runner but she was passed by the slowest male in the field. Let that sink in. The fastest woman on the Polish team could not beat the slowest male who had the most distance to make up.
This is HBD people. This is what we are talking about. I have no doubt that all those women could beat me in a 400 meter race. But I am not a top male athlete.
In the earlier semi-final, Japan fielded three men and left the woman for their anchor leg. Their second male was made to wait for what appeared to be 10 seconds before he could do his leg and he STILL caught all of them. Japan's female athlete was CRUSHED by all the male athletes despite once again having a lead.
This worldwide spectacle should be the be-all and end-all of the tranny nonsense, especially in sport. None of these males in female events. Period.