Supposedly Trump made a call to the [newly elected] president of Ukraine. On that talk the subject of Joe Biden's son's [lack of] prosecution came up. Trump allegedly dangled the money appropriated by Congress for military aid in exchange for the president looking into how/why a former Ukrainian prosecutor was fired shortly after Joe Boden threatened to withhold loan guarantees if THAT prosecutor wasn't fired. Got it?
To recap: The current US president, asked the current president of Ukraine to look into why the Ukrainian justice system caved to pressure from a foreign vice-head of state to not investigate possible crimes committed by the son of that foreign vice-head of state.
This is an "impeachable offense" to Democrats.
Ok. But this goes deeper. Watch this clip as seen on ABL's Youtube channel:
Did you hear that? No? Go back to time 4:53 and watch it again. Did you catch it?
I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk (sp) that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn't. So they said they had were walking out the press kind of said I'm not gonna go or we're not gonna give you the billion dollars, they said you have no authority you're not the president. The president said, I said 'Call him'. I said I'm telling you you're not getting a billion dollars. I said you're not getting a billion...You see it now?
Biden said that he told the Ukrainians to call Obama because Biden was confident that Obama had his back. This means that Obama had approved of Joe Biden using his status vice-head of state to tell the Ukrainians to fire a state prosecutor who was investigating his son, IF they wanted a billion dollars.
In other words, Biden is saying here that He and Obama conspired and carried out obstruction of [Ukranian] justice by way of extortion. That's the real story here.
One president, Trump asking the president of Ukraine to investigate why his justice system was corrupted by Biden and another president allowing his VP to extort/bribe a country in order to get his son out from under investigation.
But Trump is the alleged criminal here.
Yeah OK.
This is going to backfire so badly on Democrats. I cannot overstate how bad this looks. So long as this stays in the media, more and more people are going to see the above video. They are going to get more and more info into what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine. They are going to connect this with the failed Russia colussion hoax and they will be entirely turned off. I'm talking about mainstream middle of the road citizens. The one's required to win high office.
I simply cannot believe that the people running this clown show don't actually realize that they are going to kill Biden's run with this. They cannot be that stupid. The only explanation is that they realize Joe is on his way out and they are simply accelerating his fall to clear the way for more viable candidates.
Imagine an impeachment proceeding in the Senate where Obama is asked under oath whether he approved of Joe's actions. If he says he did, then he admits to a criminal conspiracy to obstruct [Ukrainian] justice and he also admits to the same "crime" they are accusing Trump of. If he says No, then Joe is shown to be a rogue VP using his office for favours for his family. Again, the same thing Trump has been accused of since taking office. Either way it's BAD for JOE.