Do you know how a democracy works? No? Ok let me explain:
In a democracy the people vote for their leaders. The leaders take their respective offices and carry out their duties as described in their laws. Sometimes those leaders make decisions that are popular and sometimes they don't. When an elected leader does something so unpopular that the people do not wish to be represented by said person they organize themselves, pick a leader that they wish to replace the discredited one with and then when elections roll around the vote for the new representative. The old one leaves office, the new one comes in and the cycle continues.
Are we clear on that?
If the EU and the United States believes in democracy, then why are they supporting non-democratic actions in the Ukraine? This is a simple question.
Democracy is not mob violence in the street. Democracy is not setting government buildings alight. Let us be very clear here: Regardless to whether the people or anyone else agrees with Yanukovych's decision to more closely align the Ukraine with Russia or with the EU, it is not proper, at all, to have violence and destruction as a means of protest. Furthermore it is entirely undemocratic to hold street demonstrations demanding the resignation of the duly elected president over such a decision. Particularly since there are mechanisms by which he can be legally and peacefully removed from office: The next election.
It is both immature and anti-democratic to think that because one wants a particular political outcome right now that one is supposed to have it. And it is very, very bad for the EU and the United States to support such immature and anti-democratic actions.
Just last year a single not too sane woman in her car with her child in the backseat was shot to death while acting erratically close to the White House. A government who's security apparatus is willing to shoot a single, unarmed (not counting the vehicle) woman to “condemn” the legitimate use of force by a legitimate government against persons who are credibly attempting a coup is the height of hypocrisy.
I said a very long time ago that by backing and creating “color revolutions” of all kinds across the globe would be a very dangerous thing. As a Pan-Africanist nationalist I know full well the dangers inherent in allowing anti-authority habits to grow in a restive population. Once the idea of organized government is discredited in the minds of the population, no subsequent government is safe from those who think that what they think is better and that they should make the change right now or else.
Most of the post-colonial wars and coups in Africa have been the result of just that kind of thinking. Once you shortcut your way to decision making, everyone else thinks they can do it too.
As it stands the greatest threat to democracy in the Ukraine is not Yanukovych, but the street protestors, the EU and the US. The US should immediately cease and desist with any and all sanctions on the legitimate government representatives of the Ukraine and distance itself from the entire mess until it is resolved between the parties in conflict. The EU and the US have no business interfering with the internal politics of that sovereign nation.