Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chauncy DeVega Is Scared A White Person Will Shoot Him. I'm Not.

Chauncey DeVega is quite the paranoid person.

As a black man living in the aftermath of the Dunn and Zimmerman trials (and the data suggesting the racial bias of Stand Your Ground in practice), I am afraid that a white person will use said defense to "reasonably" decide to shoot me because of the color of my skin. A rational actor who is a person of color would choose preemption and "winning" the "game" over "losing" and being shot dead.
I wonder if Chauncey DeVega is in the habit of acting in a way that can be mistaken for threatening by your average citizen ( not police 'cause that's a whole other topic). I wonder if Chauncy is in the habit of cussing out people who ask him to turn his radio down.

But that's not even really important because Chauncey, depending on where he lives has a far greater threat to worry about: Getting shot by a black man.

Oh. I wasn't supposed to say that.

I don't know where Chauncey lives but if he lives in NYC and has done any research into the crime statistics he would know that of 209 homicides in NYC, 68% of them were committed by Black people. 27% of them by "Hispanics" who can be of any race or a mixture of any race. 8% by whites and 3% by Asians.

Lets do the math shall we? 62% of 209 is 129. 27% of 209 is 56. So between "Blacks and Hispanics" 185, or 88% of the homicides were committed by non-whites and non-Asians.

Say Chauncey who exactly should you be afraid of if you live in NY?

Oh. I wasn't supposed to point that out. I've broken the great negro code: Thou shalt not point out when we're fucking up.

61% of the homicide victims were Black and 31% were Hispanic (again can be any race or mixture thereof). That's 92% of the victims being non-white and non-Asian.

Chauncey is scared of who?

Look, if there is one thing that black folks have no business even writing it is that they are scared of being shot by white folks. The statistical odds of a black person being shot by a white person is miniscule compared to the odds that they will be shot by another black person.

What was that line Kool Moe Dee said? Yeah THAT.