Workplace Equality Is Good for BusinessSaid by the head of a company with nary a negro at the top executive level. Ever.
Say Mr. Cook, is not having black people at the top of your company "Good for business"? Given the profits I suppose it is.
And if that is so, then if a company is equally profitable without homosexuals (known and out) then how is it "good for business" to change? Are homosexuals more profitable than blacks?
Serious question.
Are homosexuals better for business than blacks? Looking at Apple we seem to know the answer to that don't we.
Don't get me wrong, as I explained before, I get it. Really I do. I just find it highly, highly, highly ironic that a Companies near and far, bend over backwards to play the "we support women" game (of which the homosexual thing is actually a part) while they are blatantly No Negro Lands(™) in their employment practices (particularly in the upper levels) and nobody calls them on it. But hey, like the Oracle of Matrix fame, I understand "the why". So none of this surprises me.