Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Obama Strikes Again!

I really am not enjoying having to make these posts. I find it particularly troubling that a man who invoked that "preacher" Dr. King, whom the government surveilled without cause in an attempt to destroy him, would have his justice department state "that government agencies cannot be sued for wiretapping American citizens even if there was intentional violation of U.S. law."

However; I must point out that I said that the Democrats were willing to go along with the Patriot Act, which is what the Obama administration is basing it's position on, because they wanted the powers it conferred when they got into office. This is why Bush, Cheney and Co. are sleeping well at night. They know that the so called "liberal" Democrats are no less craven for power than Republicans are.

From the Alternet article:

"A 'willful violation' in Section 223(c(1) refers to the 'willful disclosure' of intelligence information by government agents, as described in Section 223(a)(3) and (b)(3), and such disclosures by the Government are the only actions that create liability against the United States," Obama Assistant Attorney General Michael Hertz wrote (page 5).

From Alternet