Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Inalienable Rights

This is a cut and past of a post written by our good DeskRat who posted this on another board we both frequent:

they are fascists.

they steal elections , they stage terrorist attacks and then blame the terrorism on "straw men" that they created .

they "detain" enemies , spy on critics ,tear up the people's god given rights, buy off and intimidate a complacent corrupt media .

they loot the public treasury , make war on lies and whims , rewrite the laws of conquered nations in order to steal the conquered people's oil , topple duly elected governments , assassinate elected leaders , spread 4 million pounds of depleted uranium dust around the globe through our common air and water... they are mass murderers , assassins , and fascists , plain and simple.

think about it.

without the declaration of independence , there is no justification for a constitution -- with no constitution , no bill of rights, aka the first 10 amendments to the constitution.

the declaration of independence asserts "that we hold these truths to be SELF EVIDENT , THAT ALL MEN (*which now would read as ALL HUMANS) ARE CREATED EQUAL AND ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS --among which are life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

the 1776 declaration of independence was in effect ALSO a declaration of war against rule by the british crown . they were explaining WHY they had chosen to resort to force , if necessary , to sever the bonds of british rule.

the constitution , which begins with opening phrase in its preamble , "We THE PEOPLE, " came much later--1789-- AFTER the war against british rule was won and the "self evident" principles stated in the declaration of independence were FOREVER set in stone as the foundation and guiding roadmap for whatever new nation that the liberated colonials would arrive at.

The point is this: the constitution and bill of rights --the first 10 amendments to the constitution DON"T GIVE RIGHTS--they only serve as written GUARANTEES of the rights all equal human beings have been ENDOWED with from birth by their creator .

the declaration of independence is intended to say that proof isn't even needed that all human beings have these rights BECAUSE IT'S ALREADY "SELF EVIDENT" and that it's also SELF EVIDENT that government's "authority" comes only from consent of the governed .

they are also saying by their subsequent actions that they would go to war with their government--the british crown --to preserve these god-given rights and their upset-victory in the war over the superpower of that day--england-- was viewed as more "self evident" proof of the correctness of the former colonials' analysis and correctness of their actions--war against the tyrant who had usurped their god given liberties --- the declaration goes further to say that it is not only your right , but your DUTY to yourselves and your creator to use force- if necessary- to oppose ANY government that has overstepped its bounds and refuses to allow peaceful redress of greivance and ignores all reasonable demands that it cease violating the rights endowed in "we the people" by our creator.

in other words , these "rights to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness" cannot be taken away by government--any government-- because government didn't give them out in the first place --the creator did--these god-given rights, along with human intellect are intrinsic to the condition of being human-- sine qua non --"without this, nothing!" --without our minds and our god-given freedoms we slip below the state of being what we were created for , and intended to be

and secondly , these god given rights apply to ALL humans --american humans and otherwise --because it is held as "self evident" truth that ALL HUMANS ARE CREATED EQUAL .

therefore ALL humans have equal rights and designations such as "enemy combatant" are irrelevant , false and simply cannot apply .

any people designated as such , cannot be treated in anyway that violates the rights they were endowed with at birth by the creator...

--to grant government powers to take away your rights is self-negating of that "divine endowment" the declaration of independence speaks of .that divine endowment is the EVERYTHING that everything that is america , is supposed to be based upon.

in this case , self-negation is akin to suicide .

if rights ultimately derive from the creator and not the government , then the government cannot take rights away from the people--without denigrating the creator , without denigrating the creation and without usurping the rights of "we the people" --the source upon whom all governmental authority solely depends .

come election time--or sooner , sweep out the house and the senate of all the apologists , mouth pieces and water carriers for fascism .

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