Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Where the Huffington Post Calls for Disinformation

 The recent performance, or lack thereof of Biden has revealed to a lot of people how much the "media" is essentially a propaganda arm of the DNC/Deep State (often but not exclusively one and the same).  Democrats have been harping on the "danger to democracy" as a means to scare "well meaning" and mostly white voters into voting for them. However; since they cannot help themselves, they reveal themselves for what they really stand for. Recent example; Huffington Post. Below is what appears mid way to the bottom of their current (as of  this writng) website:

"Democracy at stake"

Then they post this:

Open call to make fake videos (which would have gotten you or I banned from certain social media sites) to help Biden. As the saying goes:

Let that sink in.

The writer is, of course, entitled to their opinion, however it shows the "standards" of Huffington that they allowed this on their page. A decent editor would have told whoever wrote this to put it on their own website.

Again, these folks make it clear what they are really about.