Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Don't Get Cocky


There was a lot of "it's over" when the failed attempt on Trump's life occured. There is currently a lot of mockery of Kamala Harris. I said way back in July of 2020 that a vote for Biden was actually a vote for whoever his VP pick was (this was before he picked Kamala). I didn't expect that they'd let him do a [nearly] full term but that's what happens when you make predictions. That said the above image is important.

Remember that Harris finished dead last in the 2020 primaries. She was offed by Tulsi. Harris had ZERO delegates. She was put in place as a "black" token to get Biden over the line with an extra "oomph" of black voters doing the "support the black woman" thing.

How does someone who had such little support get a 48% support rating in a poll (which I do not believe is an abberation)? Divided electorate. Dems are voting blue regardless. They will be joined by Never Trump Republicans. 

In a long past America, it wouldn't even be this close in a poll. In current America, the rest of the season is going to be the [relatively young] female POC candidate against the old and young racist and sexist white men. On the side, straight black men who don't seek approval from black women will be castigated at every turn as "white adjacent" a la -Joy Reid.

Harris is very vulnerable on the issues but I'm not sure how much issues are actually going to be in play.

Either way, the above shows that the Trump team better be on the ball (and that alleged dismissal of RFK Jr.'s overture may be unwise).

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Being Replaced


The entire video is worth watching but the part on how black Chicago residents are being replaced should serve as a wake up call. Black folks cheered the "browning of America'. They're going to find out that means the elimination of "black" as well.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Like I Said: Titular President

 From Semafor:

Of interest:

" It’s unclear even to some inside the West Wing policy process which policy issues reach the president, and how. Major decisions go into an opaque circle that includes White House chief of staff, Jeff Zients (who talks to the president regularly) and return concluded. (The big exception to this pattern, they said, is foreign policy.)"


Of course...

"Spokesman Andrew Bates said in an email: “This single source’s claim is directly contradicted by a large body of (even critical) reporting about the policy process, which has continually stressed President Biden’s direct involvement in every major decision.”"


I mean, they do have to keep up appearances...


There are some saying that the linked piece is not much better than a gossip column since no one is named. That is certainly a possibility but given the 180 that named people have done in the past week and given my own observations I believe the piece to be far more likely to be true than false. By a large margin.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Where the Huffington Post Calls for Disinformation

 The recent performance, or lack thereof of Biden has revealed to a lot of people how much the "media" is essentially a propaganda arm of the DNC/Deep State (often but not exclusively one and the same).  Democrats have been harping on the "danger to democracy" as a means to scare "well meaning" and mostly white voters into voting for them. However; since they cannot help themselves, they reveal themselves for what they really stand for. Recent example; Huffington Post. Below is what appears mid way to the bottom of their current (as of  this writng) website:

"Democracy at stake"

Then they post this:

Open call to make fake videos (which would have gotten you or I banned from certain social media sites) to help Biden. As the saying goes:

Let that sink in.

The writer is, of course, entitled to their opinion, however it shows the "standards" of Huffington that they allowed this on their page. A decent editor would have told whoever wrote this to put it on their own website.

Again, these folks make it clear what they are really about.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Blowing the Whistle On Child Mutilation

 I've long been warning how deep this goes.

The Titular President

There's been many people commenting on the debate. There's not much that has been said that I wouldn't say so I'll spare you. The problem I see here is not about the upcoming election, it is about right now. Right now we have a titular president.

The dictionary defines titular in part as:

: having the title and usually the honors belonging to an office or dignity without the duties, functions, or responsibilities
the titular head of a political party

I hold that what the debate actually showed is that Biden is not running the country.  That this obvious fact doesn't bother many people is what I find most disturbing. The Democrats  have been going on and on about "saving democracy" and how Trump is somehow an existential threat to "the democracy" and yet, though there is clear evidence that Biden is simply a figurhead for whoever or whatever is running the country, where are the calls for his removal from office under the 25th?

Rccently an article came out that during Biden's "debate prep" that he started late, took naps (which I actually approve of) and was basically non-functional after 4PM.  Like Trump or not. Agree with his policies or not, you knew that Trump was making the decisions. Yes he was influenced by advisors who were sabotage him, but that's normal. It is not normal to have a president that clearly cannot make coherent statements when under pressure. And this point is important. They like to show clips of him speaking "normally" to crowds. There's no pressure there (and he still messes up). Once there is pressure and/or it's outside his functional times, he falters badly.

Can you imagine what happened during the various summits he's been to?

Supposedly the concern is that Kamala is "undesirable" for POTUS.  Maybe so but that reveals the DEI appointment for what it is. Harris was chosen because she could "solidify' the black vote 'cause Negroes love their tokens. Never mind that Harris did extremely poorly in the primaries even among black voters.  I warned then that a vote for Biden was a de-facto vote for Harris as POTUS. I had thought that Harris would have been elevated after a year or so of Biden's term due to the clear indicators that he was in early stages of dementia. I thought these folks had that much decency.

I should have known better.

They actually let this guy go for the full term knowing full well how much he was declining.  On the one hand I could chalk it up to being surrounded by people who don't appreciate competence. Those who think "effort" is enough so long as you have the "right agenda". On the other hand I think that having a titular president was perfect for the deep state agents who had a free(er) hand to operate.

Either way, these black Democrats ought to be kicking up a fuss after the debate. They should demand the 25th and give them Kamala.   Of course had they done the second most decent thing and removed Biden back in 2022 or so, they wouldn't be scrambling to figure out who to run a couple of months ahead of an election. So many parties attached to the Biden train didn't want to lose access to the accoutrements of being in the seat of [titular] power that they preferred to "let it ride".

Back when Regan ran against Carter, Regan won 49 of 50 states. That was back when Americans, regardless of party didn't reward bad presidencies. Today's hyper partisanship means that even with the clearly compromised Biden he will win certain states. The question now is where the independents and those "Republicans" who have been touted in online adverts about how they won't vote for the convict, will land. If they wake up and realize the whole "convict" thing is from the same people who told them Biden was fine, they will turn on Democrats. 

But all that is future. Right now it's clear, the sitting president is unfit to continue to be president. He should be removed via the 25th. His continued presence as POTUS confirms that the US is run by persons other than the ones elected.  That's not the "democracy" Democrats keep harping about.