Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Chun Li Argument

One after the other, 'Western" institutions continue to beclown themselves as they bend to the cult of trans. The IOC is the latest to ruin its reputation:

A groundbreaking study that was sponsored by the International Olympic Committee and released late last week sought to compare a range of athletic abilities between trans athletes and their cisgender counterparts.

You'll see MSNBC using the propaganda language of "cisgender". 

"But the study that the IOC commissioned, and the University of Brighton conducted, found that while trans women are stronger in some respects, like grip strength, cis women have stronger lower bodies. The study also found that trans women have a similar bone density as their cis women counterparts, which rebuts a frequent refrain from conservatives who’ve argued otherwise to justify banning trans girls and women from sports."

 There are no such things as "trans women". There are men/males and women. Men have, as a group, greater grip strength than women. Hence males have an enormous advantage in things like dead lifts and pullups.

Below is a chart of the average difference between men and women (adult human male and female. respectively):


 You'll note that the maximum average female grip strength happens between ages 30 and 34. This maximum is dwarfed by males in this 65-69 age range. Even though this is well known in the relevant fields, the IOC actually trying to argue that it's not a big deal.

Per the greater leg strength, here's a piece from PubMed from 2021:

The aim of the present investigation was to compare male and female resistance trained athletes in absolute and relative strength and power performances. Firstly, women had lower maximal strength values when compared to men at bench press (−59.2%), squat (−57.2%), deadlift (−56.3%), and mid-shin pull (MSP, −53.2%). In addition, lower levels of power were detected in females in both the upper (−61.2%) and the lower body (−44.2%). This is consistent with previous studies [5,6] that reported similar differences between men and women in the upper body. The same authors however, reported that women were only 27% less strong than men in lower body strength. The larger differences found in the present investigation between male and female athletes may be related to the strength assessments performed. Some of these maximum strength assessments (e.g., deadlift 1RM), are deeply influenced by the upper-body strength [34]. These findings indeed, are similar to those previously reported for powerlifters of both sexes [35,36,37]. (My underlines)

 27% less strong that men in lower body strength.


And that lower body performance is "deeply influences by the upper body strength".

Oh. So like, it doesn't matter if women are built like Chun Li, they are STILL at a competitive disadvantage. 

The 35 trans athletes had to have completed at least one consecutive year of hormone replacement therapy.

35 athletes were on drugs that would have gotten them banned if they hadn't claimed being "trans". How about they test some post op?

"It’s just one study, so we should avoid drawing grand conclusions from it, but, at the very least, the study shows that the bodies of trans women who’ve been on at least one year of hormone replacement therapy are very, very different from cis men’s bodies."

We all know that the actual attempt is to have men who claim they are women compete in women's sports  who have NOT have any surgeries or hormones. 

Aside from that, I'm all here for when these men get brittle bones and have massive breaks during their competitions.

Also, notice that none of these folks are making what should be the obvious accompanying argument: Women on hormones (and surgeries) are not at a disadvantage when competing against men.