Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Make 'Em Unwelcome


In one of my Garvey's Ghost TV episodes recently, I can't remember which, I mentioned that what sane people need to do, particularly with the child groomers in the schools is to make them feel *very* unwelcome.

They should be denied any and every service they can be legally denied. They should be subject to dirty looks and the like. I'm actually for far more "aggressive" things but I wouldn't want to be liable for incitement.

That said, I think what Chris Rufo posted is proof that making them unwelcome is a winning strategy. Thankfully it is the state doing it, one of the things they *should* be doing, rather than the locals having to do it.

Once these pedophiles, groomers and their enablers understand that their behavior is not going to be tolerated and their careers dead ended in YOUR town, they will pick up and leave. Just like any other evil person, when they meet real resistance they move along to easier targets.

I worked in higher ed for 20+ years and the bad thing is that there are a LOT of these types in the pipeline. Schools with sane policies and sane students will need to push out more students to fill the gap. And remember that these folks will leave Florida and come to YOUR state and your town. You check the internet for these folks so they don't end up messing with your children's heads and doing irreparable damage.