Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

It Was Only A Matter Of Time

NYS is now using the speed cameras on interstates. 

For your safety of course.

"Many New York drivers are unaware that automated speeding tickets are even legal on highways, but a law legalizing the process was quietly passed in 2021 and is now being implemented in the Hudson Valley and other areas around the state."

I'm sure it was silent. 

The New York State Department of Transportation says that these infractions will not result in points on your license and information will not be sent to insurance companies. Because the automated speeding infraction is a civil offense, there are no criminal implications.

No points and nothing sent to insurance companies. Sounds like a money grab to me. I mean if speeding is so dangerous then speeders should be arrested on the spot. You know and I know that the speeding thing is a scam to raise revenue for local municipalities. It is not that there aren't people who  reckless, but this does nothing to address that.  If you're on 87, a three lane wide highway in most parts, with no one around you, doing 80,90 MPH you are not a danger to anyone, including yourself. 

Doing such a speed in a school zone IS dangerous. It's not the speed, it's the conditions and they know it. Now, you, being a danger to nobody will get a ticket [tax] for simply going about your business because some busybody who got elected to office, thinks it's a great idea.

NY residents will vote these people back into office though.

It sure is interesting that as cars gain more and more safety features, that speed limits don't go up but fines do (or are created).

Meanwhile, I saw a guy yesterday with tires is such bad shape that the rubber was peeling away from the steel cords. No police officer will be stopping him. No auto-fine will send him a ticket, and most certainly he is a danger to himself AND those around him. 

Just another example of the government clearly just taxing citizens with false claims of safety.

Gotta pay for those illegal aliens somehow I suppose.