Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, August 14, 2023

So They Weren't "Rational" After All

 A particularly devastating piece in Spiked on how so called "rational atheist" fell in line for the tranny movement.

The swiftness of the rise of the "Trans" movement caught a lot of people by surprise. Those who follow Steve Sailer would be notable exceptions.  A lot of the irrationality of the current"trans" trend can be tied to the COVID response. This is because during COVID, authority figures discovered that not only could they tell outright lies to the public without fear of consequences, they found they could leverage the power of government to enforce those lies. Social media companies volunteered themselves as enforcers of the movement silencing all dissent.

One example in this article is a note about Tyson The Clown, whom I did an entire video on:

"We’ve witnessed Neil deGrasse Tyson, America’s best-known scientist, bow to the creed of gender-as-feeling. In a TikTok video he said ‘XX/XY chromosomes are insufficient’ when it comes to reading someone’s sex, because what people feel matters along with their biology."

That commentary only solidified the point I made about Tyson. 

The other salient point made in the piece is how by embracing the tranny nonsense, The New Atheists showed that they were more interested in destroying religion (Christianity in particular) than about rationalism. This, I believe is shared with the entire LMNOP movement. They don't go to Muslim bakeries or website designers, etc. They don't go after Jewish bakeries, etc. They always go after the Christian.

I fell into that trap. I could, and can, critique Christianity all day long. I don't bother, unless asked, because it doesn't serve a purpose other than to show off what I know. My position became that if it helps you to be the best you, knock yourself out. I'm not looking for converts and I'm not approval seeking.

Ultimately the LMNOP crowd is approval seeking and they are very bad at handling rejection. Hence they have co-opted government and private businesses to wage economic warfare on those who do not approve. Again, they learned they could do this, successfully, during COVID.

So go read the piece. Well worth the time.