Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

MasterPiece BakeShop and Juneteenth

 Clickbait title?

I discussed Juneteenth as a good thing because the end of "official" slavery in the United States was a big deal. As a result of the Civil War we got the 13,14 and 15th Amendments to the constitution. The 13th outlawed involuntary servitude except in the case of punishment for crimes.

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.[1]

I have noted in the past that the 13th Amendment abolished BOTH slavery AND involuntary servitude. This means that when this amendment was drafted and passed that the legslators understood that one can be made to "serve" involuntarily yet not have the status of slave.

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment is:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

No state may pass or enforce any law that abridghes the "privileges or immunities" of citizens.

Well out "bill of rights" is a set of immunities. We are [supposedly] "immune" from abridgement of free speech, free exercise of religion, etc. 

So one of the things I hope will happen as a consequence of the Juneteenth federal holiday is a [re]familiarization of these amendments and their implications. Which brings us to MasterPiece Bakeshop.

When the Supreme Court failed to rule for Masterpiece on clear first amendment "free exercise" grounds, I said it was a grave error.

The downside of this decision is that it failed, spectacularly to support the idea that enumerated rights trump these so called "protected classes" and the privileges they are afforded. Clarence Thomas discusses this in his concurring opinion.

Court of Appeals concluded that Phillips’ conduct was not expressive and was not protected speech. It reasoned that an outside observer would think that Phillips was merely complying with Colorado’s public-accommodations law, not expressing a message, and that Phillips could post a disclaimer to that effect. This reasoning flouts bedrock principles of our free-speech jurisprudence and would justify virtually any law that compels individuals to speak. It should not pass without comment
Thank you Justice Thomas. Imagine the state telling you to post a sign to disclaim something the state forced you to do.

 This grave error is why MasterPiece is once again in the legal cross-hairs. 

I've mentioned before that in addition to the 1A argument, the lawyers for Masterpiece should forward a 13th Amendment argument against involuntary servitude.  A business can decline to do work, even their primary business, for any client. I've had it happen to me. I don't have to like it (I didn't) but I cannot force someone to provide me with a good or service. Nor should I be able to engage the state as my personal enforcer except for very limited circumstances.

In addition, since it is clear that this baker is being harassed *due* to their religion (they stated as much and they have not, to my knowledge gone to any other "faith based business"), they should counter-sue.

Lastly, per the linked article:

"The high court later ruled that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed anti-religious bias in sanctioning Phillips for his refusal to make the same-sex-wedding cake, though the justices did not rule on whether businesses can refuse services to gays or lesbians over religious objections."
These people think that they are the equivalent of the diner counter sitters of the past. They are not. The baker doesn't have a "no niggers" sign in the window. He doesn't relegate them to a separate part of the store or make them enter and exit through the back door. Nor does he charge them more than others. He simply will not lend his time and effort (which he cannot get back because time gone is gone forever and ever) to behavior he doesn't agree with. That's his right. He has the right to decide where and when his time and effort is spent. 

13th Amendment. Slavery and involuntary servitude is over with in America. Perhaps SCOTUS can put that in writing and put and end to this case once and for all.

Singapore: End Game

 Over a year ago, I posted on how to exit these silly lock downs. Make HCQ, Zinc and vit D available to anyone who thought they were infected as early intervention since early intervention (at viral replication phase) would avoid the inflammation stage which is the actual killer in this disease. Since then we discovered that Ivermectin is far more effective than HCQ. But the point still stood that we treat COVID as an endemic disease like the flu and get on with life. Singapore has finally seen this light

I'd like to think that someone with decision making powers had been reading my posts but I'm not that vain (though I do have traffic from that country).

"A country that has been one of the world’s most successful at combating Covid-19 has announced it will soon fundamentally change how it manages the pandemic.

The city state of Singapore has stated covid will be treated like other endemic diseases such as flu.

There will be no goals of zero transmission. Quarantine will be dumped for travellers and close contact of cases will not have to isolate. It also plans to no longer announce daily case numbers.

But you may need to take tests to head to the shops or go to work.

Senior Singaporean ministers have said it is the “new normal” of “living with covid”."

If it's been so successful then why the change? I think it's that recent outbreak involving "fully vaccinated" people. 

"“The bad news is that Covid-19 may never go away. The good news is that it is possible to live normally with it in our midst,” wrote Singapore’s trade Minister Gan Kim Yong, finance minister Lawrence Wong and health minister Ong Ye Kung said in an editorial in the Straits Times this week.

It means that the virus will continue to mutate, and thereby survive in our community.”"[my underlines]

Which I said over a year ago. If it's that transmissible, then by the time you find a "case" it has spread to a whole lot of other people, most of whom will never show more than a sore throat and hence never seek medical attention.

Time to tell these "Zero-COVID" people to take a long hike off a short plank.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Situation Singapore

Early on in the pandemic, I suggested that it may be the case that COVID would be like the flu in that it would be endemic and any vaccine would be like a "flu shot" because the virus would mutate and 'escape" vaccines and thus "new" vaccines would be needed probably on a yearly basis.

Of course the approved experts said this was nonsense and that the vaccines, which have no long term history, were unquestionably both safe and effective. How you know this without long term study defies logic, but that was the message.  To add insult to injury people had and have been lead to believe that the vaccine prevented people from getting infected. I had to inform people that it doesn't work like that. You can and will still get infected. The virus will replicate. What the vaccine is supposed to do is prime the immune system to recognize the virus (via the S1 protein) and thus attack the virus (and infected cells) early on before the person gets sick.  Hence, the sole purpose of the vaccine would be to prevent illness, NOT infection.

So while the CDC does PR rather than actual science people are finding out what I knew already. Enter Singapore. 

Singapore has one of the strictest policies around COVID. Asiaphiles in America have waxed poetic about it (and other countries) as an example of how America should be (yet they don't leave to live there). Anyway this is an interesting case:

I remember when people claimed that various countries had reached "Zero COVID" and they were done. 

"The B1617 variant’s relentless spread was highlighted in the Changi Airport cluster, which ballooned to more than 100 cases in less than a month to become Singapore’s largest active COVID-19 cluster. The cluster was closed on Friday after going through two incubation periods without any new cases.

The cluster’s index case, Case 62873, is an 88-year-old cleaner who worked at Changi Airport Terminal 3. He tested positive on May 5 despite being fully vaccinated."

"Despite being fully vaccinated"

You should prepare to see this line a lot.

"While the CEO said the airport had implemented “many layers of stringent safety protocols”, he acknowledged that “something changed” with the B1617 variant. 

“It penetrated our defences and caused a community outbreak,” he conceded." 

"stringent safety protocols" are what I have been calling "safety theatre". People act as if viruses only hang out in gyms and rooms. Like it respects curfews. As if pieces of cloth with huge holes (relative to virus size) are effective. Humans like to think that they are 'doing something" or that they have to "do something" when sometimes there is nothing to be done.

"Another large cluster linked to the B1617 variant was the one that spread in Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH). This remains Singapore’s only COVID-19 cluster in a hospital. The cluster is now closed.

A fully vaccinated 46-year-old female nurse at TTSH, or case 62541, became the first case linked to the cluster after she tested positive on Apr 27.

By May 4, just a week after the first case was discovered, the cluster had swelled to 40 cases, MOH figures showed." 

"a fully vaccinated nurse...became the first case..." Also known as: "despite being fully vaccinated" 

"“It would seem that the higher transmissibility of the B16172 variant did mean that it was able to evade the measures that were in place in Singapore,” she said."

Because the measures were never effective to begin with. It was a case of what is referred to as the gamblers fallacy.  I pointed out months ago that since these coronaviruses are so common in that part of the world, much of the population has a level of prior immunity that is reactive to COVID 19.  This is why their numbers are so low. Note that prior immunity doesn't mean, nobody gets sick or even die. it just means you don't have the levels of illness and deaths as those who's systems have no "knowledge" of this disease ie:Native Americans and influenza.

"“The few mutations that give a virus an advantage, such as being able to bind to the host cell better, tend to (allow the variant to) survive and eventually replace the other strains of the virus,” Dr Paul Tambyah, president of the Asia Pacific Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infection, told CNA."

Which is why people like myself have said that rather than try to avoid 'infection" which is nigh impossible, what you do is make it difficult for the virus to cause illness. This can be done by making sure your vitamin D levels are nice and high. That you take Zinc on a regular basis. That you pair Zinc with an ionophore like Quercetin. That if you get "The News" you get some Ivermectin which interferes with the S1 protein's ability to bind with the human cell. 

"“It's not just wearing a cloth mask, but wear one with high filtration capability – a surgical mask or one of those with the filter inserts,” he said. “That is important because of the latest evidence about the nature of the various strains, how transmissible they are and the fact that the spread can happen through aerosolised particles.”" 

So yeah, those cloth masks that certain places require for entry? Scientists know that they are garbage and yet these politicians keep telling you to wear them "to be safe".

"In the Delta variant clusters, Prof Leo has seen vaccinated cases with family members who have tested positive. This means it could still be possible for vaccinated people to spread the virus.

“Genetic sequencing monitoring by the National Public Health Laboratory is still ongoing and we cannot rule out that a vaccinated patient is capable of transmitting the infection,” she said." 


"If evidence shows that the variants could “escape” the immune response induced by the vaccine or after natural infection, NTU’s Prof Rénia said a booster injection of a new vaccine with proteins from the variants could be necessary." 

Booster you say? 

"Other high-risk places are doing more too. The Singapore General Hospital said staff working in wards are required to wear N95 respirators, rather than surgical masks, for “a better mask fit”." 

N95 is not a mask. It is a respirator. 

"“As long as there are viruses circulating, there is an opportunity for variants to develop and we need to remove that opportunity.”" 

Viruses will always be circulating. They do realize this right?

"“After a few years, the virus will probably become like one of the common cold viruses widespread but deadly only to the elderly and vulnerable,” he added. " 

It already IS like the common cold. The problem is that the "experts" refuse to acknowledge this so we are being subject to their control freakery. 


Thursday, June 17, 2021


I've known about Juneteenth for decades now. It's not a day I do any particular observance mostly because I'm not particularly stuck on slavery. And that's not to knock the day or the significance thereof. Personally, I'm a garveyite *duh* and so I choose to observe Marcus Garvey's birthday. I take the day, rain or shine, pay or no pay. I don't ask for it off. I'm not approval seeking either. It's what *I* do and who and what *I* observe. That said, I think the recent elevation of Juneteenth to a federal holiday is a good thing. I'd even say it's a *very* good thing.

America's slave past is a significant part of it's history. It is inescapable. That it was ended is something I think SHOULD be recognized nationally just only as a point of a history class lesson but I think it is on the level of July 4th. 


I don't mean it takes the place of July 4th. No American of African descent ought to give ground on their claim of Americanes going back to Crispus Attucks, to observe Juneteenth. Indeed Juneteenth should not even be seen as a  "holiday for the blacks". No. It is a a holiday for Americans. 

I have often said that many other non-white groups have benefited from the struggles of the Africans in America. That struggle forced the country to live up to, at least attempt to, it's stated principles, particularly equal protection and application of the law which is currently under direct attack.

And yes, white Americans can also celebrate this victory of the ideology, common worldwide up to that time, that humans can and should, OWN other human beings. That is something to celebrate. It is a great human achievement. Yes, Juneteenth is for every American. So don't let them ghettoize it.

Another great thing about having a national recognition of Juneteenth is that we end the "oppression" talk. The only people who are slaves today, in America, aside from those trafficked from foreign countries, are those who are enslaved in the mind. People who WANT to see white people as all powerful as an *excuse* for their own failure to be excellent in whatever they do.

A message of Juneteenth is that people fought and died for you to be free and we don't want to hear your excuses for why you aren't taking advantage of the opportunities made available to you right now. 

It's no secret that I run and work out. There are days that I don't feel like it and sometimes I say to myself: This isn't hard. Plantation work from "can't see to can't see" is hard.  Weeks crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the hold of a ship in feces and urine is hard. Running for an hour is NOT HARD. Getting the weights moving is NOT HARD. Not putting garbage food into my body is NOT HARD. 

Doing your homework and going to class is NOT HARD. Not engaging in criminal activities that destroys your communities is NOT HARD.

So yes, let's make it so Juneteenth reminds our young people that they don't have it hard. They are NOT oppressed. The people that Juneteenth represents had it hard. THEY were oppressed.

The "Red Books" Are Running The Show

 So if you don't understand that the current BLM, CRT stuff is actually Marxism in race face then let me clarify it for you because they are not even hiding it anymore.

This is the "Little Red Book" of Chairman Mao's revolution.

This book was essentially the "bible" of Mao's revolution. Red is a color of good fortune in Chinese culture. This book was how adherents trained themselves and others in the doctrine of Maoism. 

Below is a book that is in use by a staff member at an actual US university (which shall not be named).

SJTI is Social Justice Training Institute.

A Little Red Book.


In case you are unfamiliar with what went on under Mao:

The short explainer: 

The long explainer:

So just understand. Maoist are in all levels and departments of government, education and business. If they are not removed, not tolerated, but removed, the country is done for as a constitutional republic. Let those with eyes see and ears hear.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Sue Those Universities

[Update 6-16-2020]: YouTube has deleted the video linked in this piece. This is why I took a screenshot of the point in the video. You need to understand that two of the persons in that video are experts in their fields. The host is a former professor of Evolutionary Biology with a PhD. The person on his right is THE creator of mRNA gene therapies. Some desk jockey at YouTube feels that they are more qualified than these two persons on the subject of vaccines and biology. I'm not going to tell you what you should feel about that but you should think very carefully about WHY these companies are keeping you from being informed on this matter or to even make up your own mind after viewing the available evidence.]

 So a few very foolish states and universities, drunk on power are requiring students to have COVID "vaccines" (gene therapy) in order to have in person indoctrination instruction. Never mind that the "vaccines" are under Emergency Use Authorization which explicitly prohibits coercion. Never mind the Nuremberg Code that expressly prohibits forcing people to undergo medical experiments, which is what these "vaccines" currently are. Those things aside, it gets worse.

Screenshot in case it gets memory holed.

"The issue of myocarditis weighed heavily on the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee's considerations of what kind and how much data might be needed to green-light use of a vaccine for COVID in children.Because the rates of hospitalization for COVID are low in kids, some felt that the FDA should require at least a year of study of the vaccines in clinical trials, the amount of data typically required for full approval, instead of the 2 months currently required for emergency use authorization. Others wondered whether the risks of vaccination — as low as they are — might outweigh the benefits in this age group."I don't really see this as an emergency in children," said committee member Michael Kurilla, MD, , director of clinical innovation at the National Institutes of Health. Kurilla, however, did say he thought having an expanded access program for children at high risk might make sense."

Understand that for those under 18 COVID is essentially a non-event. Statistically speaking, the "vaccine"is more dangerous than getting infected. Yet, schools are holding student's educations hostage.

Look at the below chart taken from a recent Dark Horse video:

You see that huge red bar on the far end of the chart? That's the COVID "vaccine". It is several orders of magnitude (10x is one order) more dangerous than other vaccines combined. 


This is acceptable?

Video below:

Relinked from Odysee:

Here's WebMD yesterday:

"Nearly 800 unconfirmed cases of heart problems have been reported to the vaccine safety monitoring system, but the CDC is most focused on the cases in people under age 30, according to NBC News. The CDC saw higher-than-usual numbers in the 16-24 age group, particularly among young men after their second dose of the vaccine. Typically, fewer than 100 cases would be expected for the age group. 

Teenagers and people in their early 20s accounted for more than half of the myocarditis cases reported to the CDC’s monitoring system, NBC News reported. About 80% of cases have fully recovered and were sent home after a hospital visit, and 15 patients are still hospitalized, including three in intensive care. The CDC will receive an update on the reports during this week’s meeting.

The reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in ages 12-24 make up about 54% of the total reports after a second dose, though the age groups make up about 9% of the doses administered, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

This is acceptable? For a population that has negligible risk of death from COVID? You're risking them having long term heart problems that may not go "boom" for years? Are you serious?

Sue these universities and bankrupt them for this nonsense. If there are no consequences for these actions, they will continue and get worse. If they can force you to take a [currently] experimental therapy as a condition of employment and education, where do you think they will stop? Where are the "my body my choice" people? 

"Vaccines" And Seasonality

 Hello all. Light on updates. Probably will be that way for the next few weeks. To those checking in regularly, I appreciate it.

Anyway, I saw a post online where the person claimed that the current low case and death count, particularly the death count, in America was due entirely to vaccines. I do not believe this is an accurate statement and I think that such ideas are being pushed by certain entities in order to give validity to the gene therapies being passed off as vaccines. Let me explain.

First is a graph of Florida deaths.

Florida is in a sub-tropical zone so it's pattern is different from NY, which we will get to. What you'll notice is that they spiked in August (peak high temps so people are indoors in the AC). They then had another spike that started in late November. Now we know that Florida embarked on it's vaccination program during that time and yet deaths still rose to the same peak as before. Indeed the data for wave two is not much different than wave one. If the "vaccines" have been effective, shouldn't the curve look different? 

Let's look at NY

We now know that Cuomo's policies was a, if not THE, primary driver of the huge number of fatalities in the first wave. We also know he committed a crime when he changed official documents to cover it up. Whether he'll be held to account is an entirely different thing.  That said, I'm pretty sure that the huge deaths in wave one, much of which was avoidable contributed to the lower death counts in wave two. After all, a LOT of people got knocked out.

But what is  important here is that valley between the first and second waves. There were no "vaccines" available then. So why did the death counts crater? Clearly something else was afoot. This is seasonality. So since we know seasonality is a large driver in death counts, how do we know that the drops this summer is the result of "vaccines" as people are claiming? There is currently no evidence that  is the case. In reality we won't know how effective any of the gene therapies are until next fall. Even then we have to take into account the larger population of people with natural immunity.

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Ivermectin Efficacy: Example Peru

 The Dark Horse podcast has a short piece on Ivermectin and it's use in Peru:

Here is a link to a very recent study on Ivermectin use in Peru:

Important part:

 Results. The 25 states of Peru were grouped by extent of IVM distributions: maximal (mass IVM distributions through operation MOT, a broadside effort led by the army); medium (locally managed IVM distributions); and minimal (restrictive policies in one state, Lima). The mean reduction in excess deaths 30 days after peak deaths was 74% for the maximal IVM distribution group, 53% for the medium group and 25% for Lima. Reduction of excess deaths is correlated with extent of IVM distribution by state with p<0.002 using the Kendall τb test. 

Conclusion. Mass treatments with IVM, a drug safely used in 3.7 billion doses worldwide since 1987, most likely caused the 14-fold reductions in excess deaths in Peru, prior to their 13-fold increase after IVM policy was reversed. This strongly suggests that IVM treatments can likewise effectively complement immunizations to help eradicate COVID-19. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains. [my underlines] 

So per the underlined portions, Had the US used Ivermectin widely since at least the late summer, the second wave possibly would not have happened. 

These people, Fauci et-al, literally had people killed in order to push "vaccines".  They knew of Ivermectin (and HCQ). They knew it was safe as well. The amount of lying these "officials" did should qualify them for the firing squad.

This is how effective Ivermectin is. The new president of Peru stops use of Ivermectin and the result was a 13x increase in deaths. The new Peruvian president literally got people killed. Trump, Biden and the people who work for them are no less guilty.

The MSM is just now getting around to the lab leak. Maybe 6-12 months from now, the above will be covered.

Friday, June 04, 2021

The New Left Crow Enters Medicine

Back in the day when I was considering a career in medicine, I came to the conclusion that if a member of the KKK or whatever came in for medical attention, I would flat out refuse to provide service. I actually still hold that position as I see no reason to provide service (or money for that matter) to someone who aggresses against black people if I can at all avoid doing so. I soon realized that such a position would put me at odds with the obligations of practicing medicine. To be clear, Desmond Doss of Hacksaw Ridge, is a far better man than I as I would have left the Jap to die on the field. The morality of that is not really the topic here but the point is generally speaking, if one is incapable of providing medical care to anyone who needs it you shouldn't be in the medicine business. At the very least I can say that I recognize my bias and I make sure I don't kill anyone due to it. Unfortunately there are people, calling themselves anti-racists, who do not understand this. Cue the Daily Mail article

Not that I don't trust the Daily Mail to not stealth edit their reporting as other outlets have been caught doing but screen grab:

"Avoid treating white patients."

This is unacceptable. 


There's a lot going on in the article but this point needs to be front and center:

A new generation of medical professionals believes it is incumbent on them to confront patients on their racist views and to offer treatment to minorities.

'I've heard examples of Covid-19 cases in the emergency department where providers go, "I'm not going to go treat that white guy, I'm going to treat the person of color instead because whatever happened to the white guy, he probably deserves it",' one doctor said. [my underlines]

Let's be perfectly clear here. This is unacceptable. Whoever this person was they should have been fired On. The. Spot. Furthermore, the institution should have offered the individual and/or their family their full cooperation in any legal proceedings they initiated against this individual.

The person who relayed this story ought to have named the institution. How many patients have died in that ER or other parts of the hospital because they were either purposely given substandard care or simply allowed to die because of their race? And at what point does this move beyond race to sex? How do we know it hasn't already occurred?

Other things from that article:

They say they are being reprimanded for criticizing patients for being late because doing so is perceived as racist and that if they question prevailing orthodoxy, they are being fired.

There are 4 lights. 

Competent doctors being fired for questioning stuff that is not only obvious BS but is also getting patients killed?

"‘No physician is racist, so how can there be structural racism in health care?’ the tweet read, sparking outrage and generating intense interest in the podcast."

So first thing. There are racist physicians. And the ER story above absolutely proves it. And if the institutions where these clearly racist physicians tolerate and promote their behavior then these institutions are systemically racist. 

Now clearly the original tweet was NOT in reference to the ER situation. Rather it was a broad claim that there are no racist physicians. It is entirely appropriate to counter that claim because it is absolutely not true. But such a position doesn't excuse in the least bit the tolerance of what happened in that (and how many other) ER.

Doctors taking part in the Zoom meetings panned the study, though they did so anonymously for fear of the career repercussions of speaking out, according to Herzog.

‘It’s some of the most shoddy, methodologically flawed research we’ve ever seen published in these journals, with sensational conclusions that seem totally unjustified from the results of the study,’ one doctor said.

‘It’s frustrating because we all know how hard it is to get good, sound research published,’ the doctor said.

‘So do those rules and quality standards no longer apply to this topic, or to these authors, or for a certain time period?’

And this is not new. A lot of the "research" supporting so-called "woke" scholarship is shoddy as hell. You don't need to be a PhD candidate to see it either. The arguments are often circular. They assume things not in evidence and the arguments often lack basic logic.  They are often conclusions in search of supporting data rather than the other way around. In essence "woke" scholarship presumes that their conclusions are correct and anything contradicting them must be wrong because of "White Supremacy".

You would think that the sciences would be a "safe place" from this junk because usually getting the "math wrong" can lead to actual deaths.  Bu the sciences are inhabited by the same cowards as other fields and the white guilt complex is a real thing. 'White nationalist" and 'Racist" is the kryptonite of the woke crowd. They know that those two phrases will render most white people defenseless and that they will do anything to avoid the label. 

You should be very, very scared by this turn of events, these people will get you killed and frankly during this COVID thing they have already killed a lot of people.

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

The Fauci E-Mails: Support For Early Spread Hypothesis

 So back on March 10 of 2020 I wrote:

I have had a long standing (relatively speaking) idea that the virus has been in circulation in the US, particularly major coastal cities with large international populations and points of entry. I believe that it's been in the US since at least December. This based on other readings out of China. I believe a large number of people have been infected, got sick, toughed it out and got better. In their incubation periods they infected other people and, if the above report is to believed, infected people even after they thought they got better.

The Fauci e-mails say:

Yeah. What I said.

Never mind me. I'm just a small back water black blogger with no audience.

I Have An Accountant

 You know it was annoying when I had to field comments about how racist Trump was BECAUSE he said some countries were shit holes. It wasn't that they thought he was incorrect, though some thought that too, but because he had the "classlessness" to say it out loud.

But because I have watched enough documentaries AND have travelled, I knew and know full well that there are a lot of places that could aptly be described as shit holes as in people either literally shit in the street OR shit is just openly flowing on the sides of streets.  You just look up the "Flying Toilets of Kibera" if you doubt me.

Yet and still for all the objections to Trump's commentary, these people voted for Biden who claimed that not supporting him (or any other Democrat I suppose) made one "not black". 

That's fine though.

Now Biden stood up and said that black entrepreneurs don't have access to lawyers or accountants.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I don't know what "data" Biden is referring to, but given the total garbage "data" that has come out of the government since March of 2020 you'll excuse me for calling BS on whatever "data" he thinks he's referring to.

I was a young black entrepreneur. My business failed. Nobody's fault but my own. And I did and DO have an accountant. Black one too. When I needed a standard contract written up I had a lawyer do that too. She was black too.

You know there are lawyers and accountants to be found on the internet. I did my thing before you could do that. If you are an entrepreneur today and cannot find a lawyer or accountant, it's your own fault. Not the white man. Not "systemic racism". 

This is the racism that bothers me and should bother you. Aren't you tired of being looked at as a perpetual victim? Aren't you tired of people making excuses for your failures? Aren't you tired f people treating you like a child who needs help from the grown-up white people? 

These Democrats are calling black people "boy" and most of y'all don't even recognize it.

The Mask Is Not Effective

 Fauci said it on 60 Minutes. And he wrote it in an e-mail

The email about the mask: A woman named Sylvia Burwell asked Fauci in an email sent in February 2020 whether she should wear a mask while traveling. Fauci advised the woman, in a reply dated Feb. 5, 2020, that there is no need for her to wear a face covering because he explained, masks are meant to be worn by people who have been infected.

“Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection. The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you,” Fauci wrote.

I told you the physics of it even IF the material was capable of blocking the virus, which it isn't.

So it should be clear that these officials have been lying. If you lie to the government you get fined and perhaps arrested and jailed. If the government lies to you what's the consequence?