Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Vitamin D deficiency and COVID Deaths

 So we had a scientifically illiterate congressperson say that the reason why black people have had higher incidents of death by Wuhan is because of "systemic/structural racism" which includes things like food deserts. Of course since no one is allowed to question these silly people because it would be both "racist" and "sexist" ,such misinformation is allowed to continue to spread and be treated as fact. Worse, more people fall ill and die unnecessarily.  But these are the "leadership" that the vast majority of black people elected and or support so at this point I'm strongly inclined to say you get exactly what you deserve. That said, below is the actual science:

So what we see here is that blacks have 10x the rate of vitamin D deficiency as whites. Why? Melanin blocks UV radiation which is necessary to produce vitamin D (which is actually a hormone). In Africa where black people evolved to live, this isn't an issue given the strong direct sunlight that falls ALL YEAR. However;  black people living above the 35 parallel, which is all of Europe and the northern half of North America, late fall through late Spring, results in inadequate sunlight (specifically UV radiation). This is even true for white people. However; since white people don't have UV blocking melanin, they can produce more during these times than black people, even if it is still deficient.  This in addition to foods can offset the temporary vitamin D deficiency though not completely. 

Due to these seasonal issues, respiratory viruses have "a good time" during the winter months and essentially fall off a cliff during the summer months. This is why you see waves of increasing influenza type illnesses and deaths during the winter time.

Black people living in these areas of the world are even MORE susceptible so this is not strange and it certainly isn't so systemic or structural racism.

So this last chart shows that, as expected, unfortunately, black people, having high levels of D deficiency are more affected by Wuhan.  Of course the advice given by the politicians and "experts" to "stay indoors" was the WORST advice to give to people who need to be exposed to the sun the most. But where were the black professionals when these edicts were handed down? I didn't see or hear them. They all parroted the same mask, lockdowns, we need a vaccine and RACISM BS like everyone else.

People like me who has consistently presented the science have been pushed aside, silenced, censored, called "anti-vaxxers" and the like because we see the misinformation, we see the plotting and calling it what it is while giving YOU the power to help yourself. 

Side note, since it is Asians, which in the US means Chinese, Japanese, etc, are near the bottom of the "dying of COVID"  list, why are Blacks being compared to whites? Wouldn't it be better to compare to the group identified with the lowest deaths?  Also in the UK "Asian" actually refers to Pakistanis and Indians many of whom are very dark skinned and. have the same issues with UV radiation as Africans and similar Wuhan outcomes.