I have my differences with Mr. Jones but
in his latest at CNN, he says some things that I've been saying for years now:
At the same time, warning the Democrats. What he was saying to African-Americans can be effective. You may not like it but he mentioned HBCUs, black colleges have been struggling for a long time, a bunch of them have gone under, he threw a lifeline to them in real life in his budget. He talked about that. He talked about criminal justice reform. He talked about opportunity zones...
The thing about it is, and we've got to wake up, folks, there's a whole bubble thing that goes on, he said s-hole nations, therefore all black people are going to hate him forever. That ain't necessarily so. I think what you're going to see him do, you may not like my rhetoric, but look at my results and my record to black people, if he narrow casts that, it's going to be effective. Which means, as we move through this primary process, we've got to pay a lot more attention both to what's going on with the Latino vote. Are we going to get a benefit in terms of having them respond and with the black vote. It it going to be a split off, especially for black male voters? We've got to be clinical about this stuff. We get so emotional about it. That was a warning to us. That was a warning shot across the bow to us Democrats that he's going after enough black votes to cause us problems. It's not just suburban votes, he's going after black votes.
Mind you, I'm not positive on so called "criminal justice reform" because I see no such thing as "mass incarceration". If you do the crime and get caught, you go to jail. The way to lower incarceration rates is to lower crime rates. Bing, bang, done. As NYC is learning all over again, you take away disincentives to criminal activity, you get more of it.
That said, I mentioned years ago that the so called MAGA philosophy would pay dividends for black people, particularly those involved in manual labour:
In May 2017, the Trump administration sent letters to about 800 employees, saying they weren’t authorized to work in the United States, records examined by the Chicago Sun-Times show.
Those Hispanic employees didn’t return to work, leaving the bakery desperate to fill their jobs. So the company turned to another placement agency, Metro Staff Inc., and it provided Cloverhill with workers screened through the government’s “E-Verification” program. Most of those new employees are African American.
So Trump, who got probably less than 10% of the Black vote, if that, put money in black folks pockets, by being aggressive against those persons who are illegally present in the US, who were filling jobs that would have gone to black workers. Yet and still you have black democrats who are for open borders which has a direct negative impact on black blue collar workers.
Now what right thinking blue collar black worker, is going to look at the job he got via Trump's policies and look at the extra money in his account due to tax law changes, opposed by Democrats across the board, and say:
"Nah, I'd rather be laid off for illegal foreign nationals and give more money to the federal government."
It's like a Jamaican joke I heard years ago about a wife who comes home to find a strange woman in her bedroom. She confronts her husband about the woman he is obviously cheating with. He explains how x, y and z thing the wife enjoys having and stuff came from the "relationship" with the slumbering woman. The wife then says to go get a blanket to make sure she didn't catch a cold while sleeping.
Similarly, I'm saying that even if you think the president is a racist pig, use the racist pig to your benefit.
Of course Jones had to do silly talk as well:
But he's doing something else. And it has to do with how he's going to manage race in this thing and there seems to be a tradeoff between the Latinos and the African-Americans, that's what you see. he went hard on the sanctuary city stuff. That is very, very disturbing. It turns out sanctuary cities are safer than non-sanctuary cities. The Cato Institute, which is libertarian, have come out and said immigrants are committing less crime. So, for some reason he thinks that doubling down on the anti-immigrant piece is a big part of this thing.
Say it with me: illegal alien. It's anti-illegal alien. And the only "sanctuary cities" that are safer than "non-sanctuary cities" are those that are VERY white. Unfortunately
the more non-White and non-Asian people are in a city, the higher the violent crime rates.
Also from Jones:
The thing about it is, and we've got to wake up, folks, there's a whole bubble thing that goes on, he said s-hole nations, therefore all black people are going to hate him forever. That ain't necessarily so.
Black folks, that is, descendants of slavery who live in the American bubble, either don't know about the black world, or specifically lie about it in order to guilt trip white people. But those in the know, know
that shit hole places
People poo in the bags at night, and they tie it and throw it and throw it away," Abdallah tells Al Jazeera.
The flying toilets are a symptom of Kibera's lack of a proper sewage system.
Hardly any in this impoverished corner of Nairobi has the luxury of a toilet inside their home. Some have an outdoor toilet, shared between multiple dwellings, but these are simple pit latrines that need to be emptied - usually into the open sewers outside.
Plastic bags, knotted and sagging, soar across the slum late at night.
They bounce off tin roofs, splatter against mud walls patched with tin cans and tumble down the steep hillside, where they sprout every few feet like plastic weeds. In the morning, they are trampled into the ground.
After 33 years in this shantytown known as Deep Sea, Cecilia Wahu barely notices the bags anymore. They are called "flying toilets," and because no one here has a bathroom, everyone has thrown a few...
Many black folks were ashamed cause of what Trump said. At the same time, many knew it to be absolutely true. And we *should* be shamed for having such slums in existence in our homeland.
So yeah, Jones is awake to the fact that thinking black people, particularly black men, who have benefited the most from the policies enacted by Trump are not going to be swayed as much by the 'he's racist" argument. Rather they are going to take a cue from that song and ask Democrats: What have you done for me lately? And right now, the Democrats have no answer whatsoever for any straight black male who is unashamed of being so and not trying to be a leech on society.