Currently, 60 percent of specialized high-school students are Asian, 24 percent white, and 10 percent Hispanic and black.It's absolutely amazing how this "White Supremacy" provides the highest benefits to those classified as non-white.
The lack of black and Hispanic students has become “so bad and so unacceptable,” Liu said.Unacceptable to who? Whom? Why would I find it unacceptable that students who do not pass the test do not get to attend the school? That's like finding it unacceptable for losers of the game to not be given the award for winning.
“I don’t think the SHSAT is going to be eliminated,” Liu told the crowd of roughly 100 parents, referring to the Specialized High School Admissions Test, which is currently the sole admissions determinant for the city’s top public high schools.So if blacks want in on the schools at higher numbers all they have to do is pass...the...test.
Critics of the current admissions system cast the single test as an inadequately narrow marker of student talent that benefits families with the resources to prepare for it.If you're homeless, then you don't have the resources. If you are, say, on welfare and scraping by, then you don't have the resources. However; if you have a car note for a European or high-end Japanese vehicle, you have the resources. If you have a closet full of shoes, you have the resources. If you have a closet full of clothes, 90% of which you don't wear, you have the resources. If you get your hair done on the weekly, you have the resources. It's about priorities and intelligence. Period.
Now one of the other reasons for low black enrollment is that bright black students get "scholarshipped" into private schools looking to increase their "diversity". There are only so many high performing black students to go around.
Of course, while these schools are 60% Asian, the focus remains on white people who are the sun, moon and stars to the vast majority of black people:
One attendee ripped racial segregation in her area, District 2 in Manhattan, and urged white parents to be more active in ensuring racially mixed classrooms.Firstly, as said before the schools are 60% Asian. It would seem to me that the people in need of "urging" are Asian parents. Logical no?“Trump is a product of New York City,” she said of the Republican president.
Secondly, what does Trump have to do with the schools? He graduated a long time ago (before me even) when the demographics of the NYC school system was far different than it is today.
“Black and brown people are just tired of fighting for something white people don’t want,” she said. “If you are in this room, and you are white person, I need you — a lot of people need you — to start stepping up and being vocal about the fact that you actually want to send your child to school with black and brown children.”Speak for yourself. I'm more concerned with the qualifications of the person at the head of the classroom than the racial composition of the student sitting one seat over. besides, why are you fighting with "white people" when it's Asians who are dominating these schools. Why don't you ask them why THEY don't want THEIR kids in the same school as blacks?
The speaker did not mention Asians or their place in the city’s school integration controversy.Shocked.