The general argument is that since school/work shootings happen then to solve the problem we should ban guns. Of course the fact that those with criminal intent do not care about laws and therefore any and all laws restricting gun ownership only applies and restricts the freedom of those without criminal intent doesn't even faze these people. Indeed for them, this fact doesn't matter. They want to restrict the freedom of the law abiding because, they would feel "more safe" with the law abiding being unarmed, except police....when they are not indiscriminately shooting black people for no reason whatsoever. So the question is, what happens if all the guns are gone? By the logic of those opposed to gun ownership, the killings stop. But we know this isn't the case. See England
A judge has called for a nationwide programme to round the points of kitchen knives, and for authorities to restrict the sale of chefs’ knives to professionals amidst surging youth violence in Britain.For those unawares, the UK has had a long standing ban on private ownership of firearms. Thus it is a perfect example of what happens when guns are not available. Now recall that we recently had a retired Supreme Court justice say that it is time to repeal the Second Amendment. Now we have a judge in "no second amendment land" calling to now ban knives because well knives are killing people, don't you know?
See, the next ban is never far away because those in power are not really interested in dealing with the problem. They are entranced by their latest totem.
Long, sharp blades are deadly and unnecessary for ordinary food preparation at home, Judge Nic Madge told Luton Crown Court last week, stating that a ban on kitchen knives would save lives.Remember that not too long ago, the novel argument was that no one "needs" an AR. No one needs, x, y or z weapon, as if need is a prerequisite for ownership. But how soon the "need" argument becomes extended to other inanimate objects.
“I would urge all those with any role in relation to knives — manufacturers, shops, the police, local authorities, the government — to consider preventing the sale of long pointed knives, except in rare, defined circumstances, and replacing such knives with rounded ends,” he said.Seems it never occurred to this fellow, just as it doesn't occur to many "gun control" advocates that for many hundreds of years, long knives have been in kitchens across the UK without a rash of stabbings, slashing and decapitation. What could possibly have changed in the UK where such things are so common that measures such as banning kitchen knives are even considered?
The retiring judge lamented that current anti-knife crime measures such as preventing the sale of sharp implements to minors were having “almost no effect” in limiting availability because kitchen drawers in households across the nation contain “potential murder weapons” in the shape of ordinary knives."Current anti-knife". Again. These things are "current". What else is "current" that didn't exist in previously "knife crime free" UK?
In order to get a grip on knife violence, police should organise a nationwide programme at which “kitchen knives, which have been properly and lawfully bought for culinary purposes, could be taken somewhere to be modified, with the points being ground down into rounded ends”, according to the judge."Properly and lawfully bought for culinary purposes". You cannot make this kind of stuff up.
Look, I've said it before, The UK is occupied territory. It is a fallen country that oppresses it's own native population in order to protect foreigners, even when said foreigners rape their women and children without remorse. So I don't find it strange that such statements and sentiments would come from "authorities" in that country. However; it serves as a warning to those of us in the US. It isn't about the guns. It's about the control. After the gun ban, comes the knife ban (which actually exists in some states/cities). Just as bans on speech are proceeding with quickened pace. These are the logical ends of these arguments.