Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Peddling "Stay Broke" Mentalities

Not long ago I posted on a recent Pew report on different politically leaning groups. I noted that there was a class of perpetually aggrieved Liberals who are Democrats by a large margin who simultaneously believe that:
Immigrants today strengthen our country because of their hard work and talents
Hard work and determination are no guarantee of success for most people
. A recent article in RT contained the following image:

More peddling of "stay broke" mentalities. If you are dumb enough to think that "The rich" got that way only because they either popped out the womb to money or simply managed to exploit everyone around them (which of course requires no effort, planning or "can do" attitude to pull off), then what you are saying is that it is impossible for the not rich to every become wealthy.

Look. Stop listening to these fucking losers. Below is a guy who is what one would consider "rich". Listen to how he did it.

He clearly wasn't born "rich". He didn't exploit people. So how exactly did he do it?

And yeah, Grassley is largely right. Broke/poor people often stay poor because they spend money (and time) on stuff of little to no value beyond a momentary feeling of satisfaction. And no, it's not an either your poor or you're a multi-millionaire. There's a whole lot of middle ground where many would be very comfortable.

See when you realize that the above happens, then you realize that these people pushing the whole "the rich get rich by exploiting the poor" is largely bull. Now lets be clear that there are in fact people getting rich off of exploitation. But these people are a small proportion of "the rich" (who themselves are a small proportion of the wealthy).