I said then as I say now. When confronted with folks who think they can bully you into submission, You make them put up or shut up. I said then, that when they threaten to filibuster, you make 'em get on the floor and talk as long as they can. When they eventually stop, you carry on like they never said a word.
When they threaten to shut everything down. Let 'em do it. People recognize when people are being unreasonable. The Affordable Care Act was duly passed by Congress. It was upheld by the US Supreme Court (even though I object to how it was done and disagree with part of it AND am still a backer of full single payer). The people recognize that. They know that holding the government hostage for low taxes for million and billionaires is Not Cool(tm). They recognize that risking default, which in my opinion the fallout of which would not have been as bad as claimed as no nation at this point is going to bail on the dollar over politics. The US is not Greece (yet) or any number of sub-saharan countries. Europe is under a lot of strain so really other than perhaps the Swiss Franc, I don't see another reserve currency on board in the short term.
Anyway. Obama did exactly what I said he should have done years ago, let the bullies blow themselves out the water. Once again the Ghost is proven correct.