Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Michelle Obama + Bare Titty = Black Rage

Black folks are a sensitive bunch. While the history of black folks in the US can explain much of it some of it is plain, well, dumb. One thing that I do not like about black folks is that a segment of black folks think they are above critique. You can't say anything "negative" about black folks regardless of how factual it is without someone complaining about how we're "blaming the victim" or otherwise repeating racist material.

The other set of black folks that I find quite annoying are the ones who deem that anything they deem "offensive" must be so. furthermore, they are arbiters of what is and is not "racist". You cannot argue with them. You cannot point out that there are other more likely explanations for a given situation. If these folks declare something racist, then by God it is 'racist". And you who disagree must be racist yourself (if you're not black) or you are someone "lacking consciousness".

The latest exhibit is the now famous "Michelle Obama as Slave" magazine cover.

When I first saw the picture I recognized Michelle Obama, but did not recognize that the portrait was taken from a specific slave portrait. When I saw on Twitter that it was supposedly a slave portrait I said to myself:
Oh the artist [who I did not know was not black at the time] must be making a point about how Michelle Obama being a descendant of slaves in America is now the wife of the most powerful man in the US. Clearly this is a commentary on how far African people in America have come.
Of course this rather obvious explanation was lost on a good number of so called "conscious Negroes". What did the "conscious Negroes" see? Well they saw Michelle Obama and a titty and went nuts. We know how Americans are when it comes to Titties: If it's not in porn, it needs to be covered. I suppose the conscious negroes would have been less mad had the artist further altered the original and covered up the titty.

Anyway, last night I finally read the explanation of the piece, as printed on the magazine cover. It was exactly what I thought it was. shocking!

Here’s a roughly translated description of the article “Michelle Tataranieta De Esclava, Dueña De América” (Michelle, Granddaughter Of A Slave. Lady Of America): “…(The phrase) Behind every great man there is a great woman describes the Obama marriage. In the shadow of the U.S. President is a person whose popularity ratings exceed those of Barack’s own. This person is none other than his wife Michelle.”
Now there is a time and a place for black folks to be up in arms. The Black Woman Cake was one such moment. Folks engaging in mock cannibalism of a "Black body" while the artist screams along with the gross "black face like" characteristics, while the white guests laugh and socialize was certainly wrong on many levels. But this piece here, in my opinion is actually very good art. It should only offend those who are or wish to forget about the real circumstances that Michelle Obama came to be who she is and where she is. It is an important piece of artwork and done with fidelity to the original and with taste.

Complaining Negroes need to have a seat.