Knockin' the Elderly
This morning I had the pleasure of reading the latest from Larry Elder in a "Human Events" online article entitled: The Idiocy of the Race Card and the Hurricane of the Welfare State
In this piece Larry Elder takes a position similar to the Future of Freedom Foundation where he castigates the so called "welfare state" as the cause of the current plight of Blacks in New Orleans. Elders takes a rather circutous route to his point:
CNN's Cafferty and so-called black leaders refuse to ask basic questions. Since 1978, for example, black mayors controlled the city of New Orleans, with many of the city's top officials also black. What about their responsibility? What about the damage done by the modern welfare state, helping to create poverty by financially rewarding irresponsible behavior? What about the damage to the black psyche by so-called civil rights leaders who demand not just equal rights, but equal results, helping to create a victicrat-entitlement mentality? Maybe someday one of the news anchors will ask one of the so-called civil rights leaders the following question: Doesn't the demand for race-based preferences, set-asides, private sector anti-discrimination laws, social welfare programs, and social "safety net" programs all conspire to say one thing -- "You are not responsible"?
I'm wondering what equal results Elder is talking about? Oh yes "preferences" and "set-asides" Mr. Elder also has problems with anti-discrimination laws, I'll presume he's a part of the 89%of black teens who say they never experienced racism. But his most glaring error is when he equates social welfare programs and social safety nets (probably a euphemism for Social Security) He equates that with the state and society saying "You are not responsible."
It is so sad that these people, THe FFF, Walter Williams and Elder, have their heads so far into their white counterparts nether regions that they cannot see the idiocy of their statements. For example, if Mr. Elder really believes that "safety nets" are in fact means of removing responsibility from individuals to the state or other persons, then they should follow through. By this I mean, If they get into an auto accident that destroys property and perhaps maims someoone. They should not be able to make a claim against their insurance. I mean in all likelyhood they never paid into the insurance the amount they will be putting out so let them take responsibility for their actions. Also should Mr. Elder be a meat and dairy eater and have the misfortune of having a genetic predisposition for Prostate Cancer, I do hope that he pays out of pocket for the surgery,and chemo-therapy.
I don't expect someone of Elder's low intelligence to know that the number one cause of bankruptcy in the US is a medical emergency. That's right, most hard working middle class Americans, yes those heterosexual, 2.5 kid having,played by the rules Americans are one medical emergency from being wiped out. By Mr. Elder's logic the government, to whome these middle class Americans have paid taxes to that have been given to various business interests in Washington. Sent to Israel and Iraq among other things, should not expect sqaut in return. No, They are responsible. Sorry you didn't see the leukemia coming dude!
ANd lets be equally clear here that most "set aside" and so called "quota" programs only really help the middle class who already possess the skills and education to put them into positions to take advantage of such programs. But lets move off of Midle Class Blacks and look at the poor.
Since the poor need to pull themselves up and in order to pull themselves up and since Larry Elder is siting the example of the Irish of the mid 1800's, where are the black businesses that are going into New Orleans Parish and setting up shop and employing the black folks there? hmmmm? I don't hear you Mr. Elder? No, blacks need to beg for jobs from white people (largely) in casinos, hotels and other low paying jobs. Of course if such busineses do not want to hire poor black people for reasons such as perhaps they don't like the way they act or that illegal immigrants from Mexico and elsewhere can be exploited at lower wages without the need to worry about the issues that come with citizenship, perhaps that would explain the level of joblessness.
All in all, Elder's is no better than the so called "Civil Rights" leadership he attempts to critique. He has no plan for alleviating poverty or bringing jobs and industry and tech to those in New Orleans, he is simply another black mouth to white conservative ideas making money off white owned and run radio stations, getting published in white run websites. It is clear what his solution to black problems is: Pimp yourself to White folks.
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