Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Coups. We Ain't Talkin' 'bout Sports Cars

It seems that yet again there is war in the DRC.

Shells were also dropped on densely populated parts of town, and a private television station also came under attack.

"Rocket-propelled grenades were fired from the direction of the Palais de la Nation [Presidential Palace] in the direction of the president's house and fire returned," said the UK Ambassador in Kinshasa, Jim Atkinson, quoted by Reuters news agency.

Unnamed police officers quoted by AFP news agency said the attackers were former members of the personal guard of the late dictator Mobutu Sese Seko - who was ousted in 1997.

And for those of you not in the know, Mobutu was a CIA stooge who ran the DRC, then Zaire, into the ground and then got a flight to a chatteu in the French Alps. Interest in the DRC ranges from Diamonds, Uranium, plutonium and if I remember correctly, Coultan, which runs our cell phones. The crassness of these "rebels" regearding the lives of the citizens of this country is simply inexecusable. I suppose that these former "big men" do not find civilian life rewarding enough that they feel the need to get back into "power" in order to live the lush life. I could go on and on about US and European complicity in these affairs but I realy need to ask when will the pawns just get themselves off or get put off the chess board? How is it that their "brothers in arms" do not see that after years of fighting that they are only making the country worse? Of course they do. They just don't care. And of course "not caring" was the prerequisite for getting the arms.


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