Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Thursday, January 01, 2004


today, the last day of Kwanzaa, the begining of the Roman new year and the begining of the lengthening of days ( in a noticable fashion), we celebrate Imani: Faith. This would be the most "religious" of the principles of Kwanzaa. Faith is having a belief in something even though there's no "hard evidence." I always find it amusing how blacks of various religious affiliations claim how black people have always been a "people of faith" or "always believed in God" yet they will not practice an original African religion. I guess we folks just had it wrong. Contradictory of course, but standard fair when one loses Kujichagulia. But I won't dwell on that. I'll be brief and say that we need to have faith in us and in our own abilities. Doubt and fear are the enemy. When you doubt yourself you automatically inferiorize yourself, and block your natural abilities.


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