Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Garvey Pardoned. So?

 Apparently Biden, well one of the staffers who told Biden where to sign, pardoned Marcus Garvey. I doubt Biden knows who Marcus Garvey is much less why he "needed" to be pardoned. But my response is this:

So what.

 Approval seeking Negroes are intent on getting white liberals to post humously pardon black people of things those people should have never been convicted of in the first place. While that may feel all well and good, the real issue is what exactly does it do for the people or causes?


Just like when all those statues were torn down and buildings renamed. Test scores were still abysmal. The violence still high. Worse, imo, is that the grift of so call black leadership just gets to continue while they shame what these men and women stood for.

MLK Jr. Day just passed and the same people who support the tranny nonsense in the name of civil rights, got another pass. The same leadership that stands silent as Black Americans are taxed to pay for illegal aliens (which none of their so called heros supported), get to pontificate about civil rights.  The same leaders who got paid to stand for Harris and sold black people on an admin that did nothing but take from them, get a pass.

So no, the pardoning for Garvey means nothing to me because I don't approval seek from the powers that convicted him. It means nothing to me because he is long dead. It means nothing to me because few listened when he was around and fewer still understood what he was about. Indeed it like the metaphorical tree falling in the forrest that no one was around to hear. Did it make a sound?

Garvey's wasn't much liked by establishment negroes back the in day. Establishment organizations like the NAACP did whatever it could to undermine him. Garvey wasn't approval seeking. He was about serious doing. 

Trump Does What He Should Have in 2017

 On Jan 21 2021, I wrote the following about Biden's first full day in office.

Joe Biden on the other hand wasted absolutely no time in doing what his supporters put him in office for. No qualms about whether it would upset the "opposition". No concerns that the half of the country that did n't support him may have issues with them.  None of this "we're looking into it". Nope. Day one. You don't have to agree with the orders. That's not the point. The point is you deliver. DAY ONE.

That, my friends, is why Trump is now an ex-president private citizen. Big dog. Loud bark. No teeth.

I said it and I meant it. Apparently Trump and his new team figured this out for this go round and did exactly this. Mind you Trump has the "luxury" of this being his final term and therefore no second term ambitions to consider. However; Biden did his thing regardless. Hopefully non-liberal elected leaders take note. You made promises to the people who put you in office, you go do that shit pronto.